I'm working on a web app in ASP.NET 2.0 that involves several GridView
elements. When users click one of the rows in a grid, that row needs to show its selection by changing color. Each row has attributes set to identify its record type and unique ID:
<tr data-elementType='myType' data-myID='12' onclick='selectionFunction();'></tr>
I accomplish the selection through a javascript onclick
handler on each row that calls a function that:
- Removes the
class from the previously selected row - Adds the
class to the new selected row - Updates the value of a hidden field with the new sel开发者_运维问答ected unique ID so server-side code can know which element to perform an action on when a button is clicked (view, delete, etc).
One of these grids now has just over 700 records in it. In Firefox 3.6, the selection operation on this grid is horribly slow (about two seconds); in other browsers (even IE 7 and 8) it's not a problem. I put console.log
statements at the start and end of the selection function, and in Firebug they show up very fast at the end of the delay, suggesting that it's not the selection function that is slowing things down. I used the profiler in Firebug and it says that "createCallback
", which is defined in one of the "ScriptResource" script files generated by ASP.NET, is taking the huge majority of the time. What is createCallback
and why does it seem to be so slow in Firefox 3.6? Is it a bug in FF, or is it a problem I can solve?
UPDATE: I am, of course, using jQuery to add/remove classes from the rows. I've been working with jQuery 1.5.2 and jQueryUI 1.8.11, but I updated to the latest (1.6.2 and 1.8.14 currently) to no avail. I tried putting a breakpoint in createCallback
to see where it's getting called, and when it breaks there it's several frames down in the call stack from my call to removeClass
. Here is what the stack looks like in Firebug:
- in ScriptResource.axd?......
wherever possible trim: trim ? function(text=" ")
- in jQuery
- in jQuery
removeClass(classNames="selectedRow", speed=undefined, easing=undefined, callback=undefined)
- in jQueryUI
- in my .aspx page
I don't understand why jQuery is triggering an ASP.NET generated function like this.
UPDATE 2: some more investigation has provided some more detail. It seems that this "createCallback" function is getting called A LOT when I use addClass
, and it's happening in both Firefox 3.6 and Firefox 5. I found the same function in Chrome and put a breakpoint on it, and it's not getting called at all, so this seems to be a Firefox thing. I put a breakpoint on the function/line in question and selected a row, and the breakpoint got it 57 times. Only the first two involved me calling removeClass
and addClass
; the rest had createCallback
several times in the callstack, and sometimes BeginRequestEventArgs
too. I've noticed it getting called also when I mouseover other jQueryUI stuff on the page (tabs), when jQuery uses addClass
and removeClass
. But why is it getting called so many times when I do work on tr elements?
I'm changing the title and tags to reflect the real issue.
UPDATE 3: createCallback
is getting called about the same number of times whenever I select a row in any of the grids, even if it only has 6 rows in it. But in that case it's not a performance problem, and the profiler shows it only taking about 30% of the execution time, while it's at least 80% when I profile selection on the larger table. So createCallback
seems to perform worse when it's used in the context of more stuff visible on the page. But it still seems like jQuery shouldn't cause a call to createCallback
, especially since I couldn't fine any references at all to it in Firebug's script search. And it appears to only get called in Firefox!
Note also that all of these grids are on the same page, but only one is visible at once, because I'm using jQueryUI tabs.
UPDATE 4: I managed to get something similar up on jsFiddle as requested. See here. In Firebug, find createCallback
and set a breakpoint (just below my click handler in the script, where it begins with Function.__typeName = "Function"; Function.__class = true; Function.createCallback = function (b, a)
and reload the page. I get a lot of calls to it.
I have very little knowledge of ASP however it sounds like your problem is purely client side.
Declaring on "onclick" event for each row is not the most sensible way to handle the rows being clicked. Especially when you get into the quantity of rows you're talking about (~700+).
A better way would be to add a click event handler to the table and figure out what is clicked when it happens. I have written an application where a similar size table is being handled and we're not seeing anything like the lag you're experiencing upon click. there may well be other factors causing your click events to slow down however I would still suggest something along the following lines is worth implementing in any case:
var rowSelectedClass = 'rowSelectedClass';
if(e.target.nodeName === 'TD'){
var $tr = $(e.target).parent();
$('tr.' + rowSelectedClass).removeClass(rowSelectedClass);
// ....
// Do whatever else you want to do when the row is clicked
// ....
A good article to take a look at which advocates this method (and a few other handy jQuery tips) can be found here: http://www.artzstudio.com/2009/04/jquery-performance-rules/#leverage-event-delegation
Also worth noting that if your table has rows added dynamically after the page is loaded then consider using .live()
instead of .click()
UPDATE @ July 28th 2011 9AM
Having taken a look at the source more closely, I think the supposed calls to "createCallback" are a red herring. The line within your original jsFiddle source which contains the "createCallback" function is actually a really long string (~90,000 characters) of javascript. I think the fact that "createCallback" is the first function within that string is misleading Firebug's profiler. When you profile your original page's load, there are 2261 calls and as you said, there appear to be lots to "createCallback"
I've "beautified" (hate that phrase) this long JS string via http://jsbeautifier.org/ to make it readable and re-added it to a jsFiddle page. You can see it here: http://fiddle.jshell.net/KvpmE/1/show/. Now when you profile this page's load you'll see a similar number of calls (2267 - not sure what happened to the other 6!) but importantly not a single one to "createCallback".
I still can't offer any solution though because essentially I've been unable to re-create your original issue which was that there was a 2 second lag in Firefox 3.6 when clicking a row.
Is this still the problem you're having?
Could you try and see whether you can re-create the problem within the updated jsFiddle page?
Also try and add the de-minified JS to your page to see if it helps you track down the actual functions being called when the row is clicked and therefore where the lag is taking place.
Mr. Jefferson,
It really sounds to me like you're actually performing a postback without knowing it. Have you set a breakpoint on the server side yet to see if something is inadvertently firing your update panel? It really sounds like some kind of postback is happening that is requiring a reload of dependant scripts.
I say this because 1) the problem you're having makes absolutely no sense - you're 100% on the money with JQuery and the ASP.NET Client Framework not even knowing they're neighbors in this case, and 2) the BeginRequestEventArgs instantiation sounds like the PageRequestManager thinks it should be doing something in response to your triggers... You could also try breaking out Fiddler and just doing a quick sanity check to make sure some update panel of yours isn't firing. There should be no HTTP traffic during the ops you're describing.
Sorry if this is an absolutely useless post for you, but with all of the work you've gone through to troubleshoot the client side it can't hurt to set a server side breakpoint just to do a quick sanity check / occam's razor...
Good luck - happy coding.
is used a lot internally by Ajax Toolkit and maybe its being called within your code unintentionally too http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd409287.aspx.
Since this is browser dependent, I would check code paths that are executed based on a specific browser.
Another clue to look for is if you're having any Ajaxtoolkit components for the grid or its individual rows as that would explain the increase in number of calls with the increase in rows.
There is also Type.createCallback
function (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397568.aspx) so if you have any Type
related code or methods, I would check those.