I'm trying to set up my own OAuth provider, but now I'm stuck at signing requests. Is this the right way for signing?
function ge开发者_开发问答nerateSignature($consumerSecret, $requestURI, $requestData, $requestMethod) {
$signature = '';
$signature .= strtoupper($requestMethod) . '&';
$signature .= urlencode($requestURI) . '&';
$query = http_build_query($requestData);
$signature .= urlencode($query);
echo oauthHMACsha1($consumerSecret, $signature);
function HMACsha1($key, $data) {
$blocksize = 64;
$hashfunc = 'sha1';
if (strlen($key) > $blocksize) $key = pack('H*', $hashfunc($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $blocksize, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $blocksize);
$opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5c), $blocksize);
$hmac = pack('H*',$hashfunc(($key^$opad).pack('H*', $hashfunc(($key ^ $ipad) . $data))));
return $hmac;
function oauthHMACsha1($key, $data) {
return base64_encode(HMACsha1($key, $data));
Or can it be easier/more efficient? And why is signing important?
Have you seen hash_hmac php function?