
RequestContext on django redirect()

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-21 13:28 出处:网络
I\'m wondering if there is any way to include the RequestContext in the django redirect function or any other context.

I'm wondering if there is any way to include the RequestContext in the django redirect function or any other context.

The thing is that I need to add a message after an object is created, but the messages framewotk requires a RequestContext to work or another context that returns the messages. How can I do to return a context?

My view:

def create_space(request):

    Returns a SpaceForm form to fill with data to create a new space. There
    is an attached EntityFormset to save the entities related to the space. Only
    site administrators are allowed to create spaces.

    :attributes: - space_form: empty SpaceForm instance
                 - entity_forms: empty EntityFormSet
    :rtype: Space object, multiple entity objects.
    :context: form, entityformset
    space_form = SpaceForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
    entity_forms = EntityFormSet(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None,

    if request.user.is_staff:    
        if request.method == 'POST':
            space_form_uncommited = space_form.save(commit=False)
            space_form_uncommited.author = request.user

            if space_form.is_valid() and entity_forms.is_valid():
                new_space = space_form_uncommited.save()
                space = get_object_or_404(Space, name=space_form_uncommited.name)

                ef_uncommited = entity_forms.save(commit=False)
                for ef in ef_uncommited:
                    ef.space = space

                # We add the created spaces to the user allowed spaces

                # This message does not work since there's no context.
                messages.info(request, 'Space %s created successfully.' % space.name)

                return redirect('/spaces/' + space.url)

        return render_to_response('spaces/space_add.html',
                              开发者_运维问答{'form': space_form,
                               'entityformset': entity_forms},
        return render_to_response('not_allowed.html',

Storing a message doesn't require a RequestContext, it's only displaying it that does. In what way doesn't your code work? Your message should be added to the database and available to be displayed after the redirect.

I had the same question and just want to clarify that it 'just works'

def first_view(request)
    messages.info(request, "Some info message")
    return redirect('second_view')

def second_view(request)
    return render_to_response('template.html',{},context_instance=RequestContext(request))

    -> will correctly display the message


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