I want to change an image to some other image when i click on the object. the code is stacked in the following order:
<li><img><some text></img></li>
<li><img><some text></img></li>
<li><img><some text></img></li>
<li><img><some text></img></li>
<li><img><some text></img></li>
What I wish to do is, when I click on the <li>
开发者_开发知识库i want to change the image to a coloured version of the image, i.e. some other image. Now, I know I can use JQuery/JS to accomplish it. But I don't want a huge amount of JS code to accomplish something so simple.
Can it be done using something simpler? Like pseudo selectors? .active
I cannot seem to think of it.
To change image onclik with javascript you need to have image with id:
<img alt="" src="http://www.userinterfaceicons.com/80x80/minimize.png"
style="height: 85px; width: 198px" id="imgClickAndChange" onclick="changeImage()"/>
Then you could call the javascript function when the image is clicked:
function changeImage() {
if (document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src == "http://www.userinterfaceicons.com/80x80/minimize.png"){
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src = "http://www.userinterfaceicons.com/80x80/maximize.png";
} else {
document.getElementById("imgClickAndChange").src = "http://www.userinterfaceicons.com/80x80/minimize.png";
This code will set the image to maximize.png if the current img.src is set to minimize.png and vice versa. For more details visit: Change image onclick with javascript link
Or maybe and that is prob it
<img src="path" onclick="this.src='path'">
How about this? It doesn't require so much coding.
$(this).toggleClass("minus") ;
background-image: url("https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/ie_Bright/128/plus_add_blue.png");
background-image: url("https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/ie_Bright/128/plus_add_minus.png");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a href="#"><div class="plus">CHANGE</div></a>
If your images are named you can reference them through the DOM and change the source.
The most you could do is to trigger a background image change when hovering the LI. If you want something to happen upon clicking an LI and then staying that way, then you'll need to use some JS.
I would name the images starting with bw_ and clr_ and just use JS to swap between them.
$("#images").find('img').bind("click", function() {
var src = $(this).attr("src"),
state = (src.indexOf("bw_") === 0) ? 'bw' : 'clr';
(state === 'bw') ? src = src.replace('bw_','clr_') : src = src.replace('clr_','bw_');
$(this).attr("src", src);
link to fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/felcom/J2ucD/
Here, when clicking next or previous, the src attribute of an img tag is changed to the next or previous value in an array.
<div id="imageGallery">
<img id="image" src="http://adamyost.com/images/wasatch_thumb.gif" />
<div id="previous">Previous</div>
<div id="next">Next</div>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {
var images = [
var imageIndex = 0;
$("#previous").on("click", function(){
imageIndex = (imageIndex + images.length -1) % (images.length);
$("#image").attr('src', images[imageIndex]);
$("#next").on("click", function(){
imageIndex = (imageIndex+1) % (images.length);
$("#image").attr('src', images[imageIndex]);
I was able to implement this by modifying this answer: jQuery array with next and previous buttons to scroll through entries
If you don't want use js, I think, you can use <a href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
instead of img
and then use css like
a {
background: url('oldImage.png');
a:visited {
background: url('newImage.png');
EDIT: Nope. Sorry it works only for :hover
You can try something like this:
div {
background: url(img1.png) center center no-repeat;
.visited {
background: url(img2.png) center center no-repeat;
<div href="#" onclick="this.className='visited'">
This script helps to change the image on click the text:
var imgpath = $(this).attr('dir');
$('#image').html('<img src='+imgpath+'>');
$('#thumbs').fadeOut(500,function (){
<div class="sandiv">
<h1 style="text-align:center;">The Human Body Parts :</h1>
<div id="thumbs">
<div class="sanl">
<li dir="5.png">Human-body-organ-diag-1</li>
<li dir="4.png">Human-body-organ-diag-2</li>
<li dir="3.png">Human-body-organ-diag-3</li>
<li dir="2.png">Human-body-organ-diag-4</li>
<li dir="1.png">Human-body-organ-diag-5</li>
<div class="man">
<div id="image">
<img src="2.png" width="348" height="375"></div>
<div id="thumbs">
<div class="sanr" >
<li dir="5.png">Human-body-organ-diag-6</li>
<li dir="4.png">Human-body-organ-diag-7</li>
<li dir="3.png">Human-body-organ-diag-8</li>
<li dir="2.png">Human-body-organ-diag-9</li>
<li dir="1.png">Human-body-organ-diag-10</li>
<h2><a style="color:#333;" href="http://www.sanwebcorner.com/">sanwebcorner.com</a></h2>
function chkicon(num,allsize) {
var flagicon = document.getElementById("flagicon"+num).value;
//alert("P== "+flagicon);
for (var i = 0; i < allsize; i++) {
if(document.getElementById("flagicon"+i).value !=""){
document.getElementById("flagicon"+i).value = "plus";
document.images["pic"+i].src = "../images/plus.gif";
document.images["pic"+num].src = "../images/minus.gif";
document.getElementById("flagicon"+num).value = "minus";
}else if(flagicon=="minus"){
//alert("M== "+flagicon);
document.images["pic"+num].src = "../images/plus.gif";
document.getElementById("flagicon"+num).value = "plus";
for (var i = 0; i < allsize; i++) {
if(document.getElementById("flagicon"+i).value !=""){
document.getElementById("flagicon"+i).value = "plus";
document.images["pic"+i].src = "../images/plus.gif";