I'm trying to rename a lot of files in s3--changing the current paperclip has_attached_file
from stuff/:id_:updated_at_:style.:extension
to stuff/:id_:counter_:style.:extension
, where :counter
is a field in the same model as the image.
I haven't the foggiest on how to rename all the files--preferably in a rake task.
Incidentally, I'll be incrementing :counter
each time a new file is saved to the record.
This is Rails 3 and the latest Pape开发者_C百科rclip as of this posting.
Any ideas?
Here's my solution:
# This task changes all of the keys from the current format,
# :id_:image_updated_at_:style, to :id_:image_counter_:style.
# :image_counter is set arbitrarily at 1, since all records have
# a default of 1 in that field (until they're updated).
desc "One-time renaming of all the amazon s3 content for User.image"
task :rename_s3_files, [:bucket] => :environment do |t, args|
require 'aws/s3'
cred = YAML.load(File.open("#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml")).symbolize_keys!
AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection! cred
bucket = AWS::S3::Bucket.find(args[:bucket])
# Rename everything in the bucket, taking out the timestamp and replacing it with "1"
bucket.each do |obj|
arr = obj.key.split('_')
obj.rename(arr[0] + '_1_' + arr[2])
It just goes through all the files in the bucket and renames them according to this new schema. I set the :counter field in the Paperclip path to default to 1, thus the _1_
in the new file name.
Works like a charm!
Give paperclip's refresh rake task a try. I've used it to generate new styles and I'm guessing it will pick up on your path change as well?