I have a div with an unordered list that has a border around it. When I set the text inside it to float left it collapses the div and the border squashes upward.
Not sure why this is happening.
Updated: I just want to first say thanks to everyone for their response and it helped me understand this question in a better light. I found a link that I think might benefit someone who runs into this issue, which explains both the overflow:hidden and clear float technique, in a very simplified manner. It also covers floats in detail. http://css-tricks.com/795-all-about-floats/
change this css:
.support .hnav li a {
text-decoration: none;
background: url("sprites/sprite-icons.png") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
display: inline-block;
is that what you were wanting?
.support .hnav li {
display: inline-block; //from inline
An element does not automatically expand to contain floated children.
Use a clear fix method.
I would use overflow: hidden
on the parent element in this example.