I want to format SQL results, then export to CSV (phpMyAdmin export).
SQL statement:
FROM products as product, product_features as features
features.product_id=products.id LIMIT 0,100
Tables strucutre:
Table products
id | name
24 Baseball
25 Rope
Table product_features
id | text | product_id
45 Leather.. 24
46 Hardball 24
47 Nylon 25
48 Black 25
Problem: I get:
Baseball Leather
Baseball Hardball
Rope Nylon
Rope Black
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what type of solution do with a SQL statement.
Result I'm Looking for:
Baseball, Leather..., Hardball
Basketball, Nylon, Black
You'll need some type of aggregate:
SELECT product.name, GROUP_CONCAT(features.text)
FROM products JOIN product_features ON(products.id = product_features.product_id)
GROUP BY products.id;