I am trying to understand how to read out XML files using Java. I would like to have one XML tag, lets call it enable, pass a true to a method and another XML tag that provides a number to another method. I would like to pass the true by having the line in my XML file and pass the number as valueofnumber. I am reading out the XML file using a series of if statements testing for certain strings in an XML file:
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
if (localName.equals("enabled")){
else if (localName.equals("number")){
I am开发者_如何学C getting confused as to how extract the value of number from the XML file. Currently I am just getting an error that nothing is present when I try getIndex() as well.
Thanks very much in advance
The getValue() method you're calling takes a qualified name, meaning XML namespace + local name in the format :. Your XML document probably uses a namespace, which you'd have to supply. If there's no namespace, you might need to use the other getValue() method and pass null
for the namespace. It all depends a lot on what parser you're using and how it's configured. You'd be better advised to move to a higher-level parsing library that takes care of these nuances for you:
- StAX isn't much higher level than SAX, but it still has a friendlier and generally more intuitive interface.
- JDOM, being a DOM parser, will be slightly less efficient, but it makes parsing XML incredibly easy.
- Commons Digester is kind of a rules-based XML parsing engine. You establish rules for what you want to happen when this or that element or attribute is encountered, and then run the digester. Method calls are one of the rules you can set, as is creation and population of a POJO.
- JAXB or XStream will completely remove the guesswork and bind the XML straight to POJOs with minimal configuration. Then you don't even have to deal with XML and can work with normal objects instead.
Edit: (Based on the XML sample) Your "number" isn't an attribute. It's a nested element. That's why you're having trouble getting it from the Attributes object. My other advice on other libraries still stands.