I have an app that uses a database with 3 tables in it. Those 3 tables have data read from and written to them by activities and services.
Having gotten a few "android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: database is locked" crashes, I went in to the database adapter class and wrapped every write, update, or delete function with a synchronized statement, so like:
public int deleteExpiredAlarms() {
String whereClause = FIELD_EXPIRED + " = 1";
int val = 0;
synchronized(dbWriteLock) {
val = db.delete(ALARM_DATABASE_TABLE, whereClause, null);
return val;
That seemed to make it better. But lately it's gotten bad again as I've added more services that read and write to different tables.
- Do I need to synchronize ALL db access statements, including queries?
- The exception is occurring on the attempt to open the writable database via the open helper...should I synchronize that act also?
- I've heard that I should only be using one db helper so that there won't be issues with multiple threads accessing the db. How do I use only one db helper? Every example I've seen so far has the db helper as an instantiated value inside the db adapter....so wouldn't that be a separate db helper per db adapter instantiated (one in an activity, one in a service running,etc)
I've looked at using a content provider instead, as开发者_JAVA技巧 it's been claimed to solve problems like this, but it's really more work than I want to do if I should be able to have direct db access without locking issues. And I do not plan to make this db accessible to other apps.
Thanks for the help.