I am receiving the javax.servlet.UnavailableException: (SRVE0203E). As far as I know, this means that not all libraries that I use in the classpath for compiling with RAD are present in the runtime classpath. The error message from the log file outputs the runtime classpath and when I compare it with my compile classpath I can't find missing libraries. The only difference is that the runtime classpath contains 2 old libraries, which I deleted last week from my system. They are before the new versions, which means, that the integrated app server tries to use them.
For example:
class-path: [C:\workspace\MYEAR\commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar;
How can I delete those old references? They are perhaps defined in a file somewhere in a temp folder... That's why I'd like to delete all RAD 8 temp folders.
Any help is appreciated!
Start the RAD with clean option. Ofcourse I assume that you have the correct class paths and libraries now.
So go to the IBM install directory that has a eclipse.exe
and type this in command prompt:
eclipse.exe -clean
this should take some time in starting up but it will mostlikely solve your problem.
In your WAR modules, check:
- Classpath:
- Deployment assembly:
- Bundled dependencies:
In your EAR, check:
- Deployment assembly:
- Deployment descriptor: