I am reading some Java text and the text says that we can only apply public
or default
access modifier for class and interface. Therefore, it is a compiling error i开发者_运维知识库f we declare:
private class A {}
protected class A{}
I am just curious why a class or an interface cannot receive private
or protected
access modifiers?
means "only visible within the enclosing class".
means "only visible within the enclosing class and any subclasses, and also anywhere in the enclosing class's package".
, therefore, has no meaning when applied to a top-level class; the same goes for the first part of the definition of protected
. The second part of protected
could apply, but it is covered by the default (package-protected) modifier, so protected
is part meaningless and part redundant.
Both private
and protected
can be (and frequently are) applied to nested classes and interfaces, just never top-level classes and interfaces.
top level classes can only have public
or default
access, but internal classes can have private access
public class TestClassAccess
public static void main(String[] args)
new TestClassAccess().new TestClassPrivateAccess();
private class TestClassPrivateAccess
System.out.println("I'm a private class");
There are only two use cases for class visibility at the top level (a) Visible everywhere (b) Visible only within the package. Hence only two modifiers (public
and default). If class is public
, then it is visible to all classes. If there is no access modifier, then it is visible only for classes within the same package.
Had there been more use cases for class visibility at top level, Java language would have provided more modifiers.