Is there a way to always run a target at the end of every build?
I know I can do something like this...
<target name="runJob" depends="actuallyRunJob, teardown"/>
... but that's sloppy, since I'd need a wrapper for every target that needs a teardown.
Any ideas?
Tha开发者_StackOverflow社区nks, Roy
use a buildlistener, f.e. the exec-listener which provides a taskcontainer for each build result
( BUILD SUCCESSFUL | BUILD FAILED ) where you can put all your needed tasks in
see Conditional Task on exec failure in Ant for further details
or roll your own build listener, see =
and the api docs from your ant installation =
In the same spirit as Rebse's answer, you can write a BuildListener in Javascript as follows (if you don't mind trading an Ant extension against some code in your makefile):
<project name="test-ant" default="build">
<target name="init">
<script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[
function noop () {}
var listener = new {
buildFinished: function(e) {
buildStarted: noop,
messageLogged: noop,
targetStarted: noop,
targetFinished: noop,
taskStarted: noop,
taskFinished: noop
<target name="build" depends="init"/>
<target name="fail" depends="init">
<fail message="expected failure"/>
<target name="_finally">
<echo message="executing _finally target..."/>
Intercepting other events should be quite easy as you can see.
I had a similar need and ended up writing a custom task, which looks like this:
<!-- a task that executes the embedded sequential element at the end of the build,
but only if the nested condition is true; in this case, we're dumping out the
properties to a file but only if the target directory exists (otherwise, the clean
target would also generate the file and we'd never really be clean!) -->
<available file="${project_target-dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${project_final-build-properties-file}/.." />
<echoproperties destfile="${project_final-build-properties-file}" />
In this case, I wanted a record of all of the Ant properties that contributed to a build, but doing that at the beginning of the build misses quite a few (if they're initialized as part of targets, after dumping them to the file).
Unfortunately, I can't share specific code, but this is nothing more than an Ant Task
that implements SubBuildListener
, specifically buildFinished(BuildEvent)
. The listener tests the embedded condition and then, if true
, executes the embedded sequential
I'd love to know if there's a better way.
If it's an android project you can easily override the "-post-build" target in your local "build.xml" file. This target is just for this purpose.