How can you convert a IP address string into an IP Address number (useful for IP country detection) in DB2 SQL?
Converting to the number is easy, you do something lik开发者_开发知识库e:
16777216 * v + 65536 * x + 256 * y + z
where the IP is in the form v.x.y.z
. Plenty of examples, source for this here.
So, the problem becomes, how to parse the IP address string to pull out the components.
In Transact-SQL you can use PARSENAME
to do this easily, described here.
How can you do the equivalent in DB2 SQL?
I've not found anything cleaner and simpler than this, but the following SQL will do the job.
16777216 * CAST(LEFT(LO.IPAddress, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1)-1) AS BIGINT)
+ 65536 * CAST(SUBSTR(LO.IPAddress, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) + 1, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress,LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) +1) - LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) - 1) AS BIGINT)
+ 256 * CAST(SUBSTR(LO.IPAddress, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress,LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) +1) + 1, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress,LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) +1) +1) - LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress,LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) +1) - 1) AS BIGINT)
+ CAST(RIGHT(LO.IPAddress, LENGTH(LO.IPAddress) - LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress,LOCATE('.', LO.IPAddress, 1) +1) +1)) AS BIGINT)
AS IPNumber
Try this out
select IP,(CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(IP,1)) + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(IP,2)) * 256 + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(IP,3)) * 65536 + CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(IP,4)) * 16777216) from IPTable