Is this code OK? I don't really have a clue which normalization-form I should us (the only thing I noticed is with NFD
I get a wrong output).
use warnings;
use 5.014;
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT,开发者_如何学Python ':encoding(utf-8)';
use Unicode::Normalize;
use Unicode::Collate::Locale;
use Unicode::GCString;
my $text = "my taxt täxt";
my %hash;
while ( $text =~ m/(\p{Alphabetic}+(?:'\p{Alphabetic}+)?)/g ) { #'
my $word = $1;
my $NFC_word = NFC( $word );
my $collator = Unicode::Collate::Locale->new( locale => 'DE' );
for my $word ( $collator->sort( keys %hash ) ) {
my $gcword = Unicode::GCString->new( $word );
printf "%-10.10s : %5d\n", $gcword, $hash{$word};
Wow!! I can’t believe nobody answered this. It’s a super duper great question. You almost had it right, too. I like that you’re using Unicode::Collate::Locale and Unicode::GCString. Good for you!
The reason you are getting “wrong” output is because you are not using the Unicode::GCString class's columns
method to determine the print width of the stuff you’re printing.
is very stupid and just counts code points, not columns, so you have to write your own pad function that takes the GCS columns into account. For example, to do it manually, instead of writing this:
printf "%-10.10s", $gstring;
You have to write this:
$colwidth = $gcstring->columns();
if ($colwidth > 10) {
print $gcstring->substr(0,10);
} else {
print " " x (10 - $colwidth);
print $gcstring;
See how that works?
Now normalization doesn’t matter. Ignore Kerrek’s old comment. It is very wrong. The UCA is specifically designed not to let normalization enter into the matter. You have to bend over backwards to screw than up, like by passing in normalization => undef
to the constructor in case you want to use its gmatch
method or some such.