I need to get the value of a field using reflection. It so happens that I am not always sure what the datatype of the field is. For that, and to avoid some code duplication I have created the following method:
private static <T> T getValueByReflection(VarInfo var, Class<?> classUnderTest, Object runtimeInstance) throws Thr开发者_运维知识库owable {
Field f = classUnderTest.getDeclaredField(processFieldName(var));
T value = (T) f.get(runtimeInstance);
return value;
And use this method like:
Long value1 = getValueByReflection(inv.var1(), classUnderTest, runtimeInstance);
Double[] value2 = getValueByReflection(inv.var2(), classUnderTest, runtimeInstance);
The problem is that I can't seem to cast Integer
to Long
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
Is there a better way to achieve this?
I am using Java 1.6.
Integer i = 7;
Long l = new Long(i);
No, you can't cast Integer
to Long
, even though you can convert from int
to long
. For an individual value which is known to be a number and you want to get the long value, you could use:
Number tmp = getValueByReflection(inv.var1(), classUnderTest, runtimeInstance);
Long value1 = tmp.longValue();
For arrays, it will be trickier...
Integer i = 5; //example
Long l = Long.valueOf(i.longValue());
This avoids the performance hit of converting to a String. The longValue()
method in Integer is just a cast of the int value. The Long.valueOf()
method gives the vm a chance to use a cached value.
Oddly enough I found that if you parse from a string it works.
int i = 0;
Long l = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(i));
int back = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(l));
If the Integer is not null
Integer i;
Long long = Long.valueOf(i);
will be automatically typecast to a long
Using valueOf
instead of new
allows caching of this value (if its small) by the compiler or JVM , resulting in faster code.
Converting Integer to Long Very Simple and many ways to converting that
Example 1
new Long(your_integer);
Example 2
Example 3
Long a = 12345L;
Example 4
If you already have the int typed as an Integer you can do this:
Integer y = 12;
long x = y.longValue();
Convert an integer directly to long by adding 'L' to the end of Integer.
Long i = 1234L;
((Number) intOrLongOrSomewhat).longValue()
If you know that the Integer is not NULL, you can simply do this:
Integer intVal = 1;
Long longVal = (long) (int) intVal
new Long(Integer.longValue());
new Long(Integer.toString());
A parser from int
variables to the long
type is included in the Integer
class. Here is an example:
int n=10;
long n_long=Integer.toUnsignedLong(n);
You can easily use this in-built function to create a method that parses from int
to long
public static long toLong(int i){
long l;
if (i<0){
return l;
If you don't know the exact class of your number (Integer, Long, Double, whatever), you can cast to Number and get your long value from it:
Object num = new Integer(6);
Long longValue = ((Number) num).longValue();
For a nullable wrapper instance,
Integer i;
Long l = Optional.ofNullable(i)
To convert Integer into Long simply cast the Integer value
Integer intValue = 23;
Long longValue = (long) intValue;
This is null-safe
Number tmp = getValueByReflection(inv.var1(), classUnderTest, runtimeInstance);
Long value1 = tmp == null ? null : tmp.longValue();
In case of a List of type Long, Adding L to end of each Integer value
List<Long> list = new ArrayList<Long>();
list = Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L);
Try to convertValue by Jackson
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
Integer a = 1;
Long b = mapper.convertValue(a, Long.class)