You have two options...
a: Do what the software was designed for and use the exact size of images.
b: remove the border style and drop shadow from the slider itself, and apply it to the image. Then use some css styling to center the image.
#slider img{
margin-left:0 auto;
margin-right:0 auto;
Essentially, hide all traces of the slider div and just center the images inside. It would be odd, but if that's what you're going for, more power too ya.
The problem is the image size, the nivoSlider uses it as Background Image, so there is no redimension as in img tag or center. The image is 830x302 px and the nivoSlider container is 838x311 px, so that's the diference you see.
Its because Nivo Slider here has a specific width and height. None of your images fill it. None of your images.
The first image almost does it but since it doesnt, it leaves some space in the right side and at the bottom.