I'm having problems placing an equals character in my locale file
I have to do something like this:
#greater value
greater_value = the value must be ( >= ) than the corresponding value
but when the thing is displayed开发者_如何学编程 in the ui the text after the second equals is missed
how do you place an equals character in a flex locale file?
edit: I have already used, escape characters, ascci code, html codes and unicode unicodes.
You can use unicode character representation:
greater_value = the value must be ( >\u003D ) than the corresponding value
I dont know why but the unicode representation didnt work for me, what I finally did was to use the solution proposed by harry ninh, using the StringUtil.substitute.
There is a little bit tricky way to overcome this problem:
greater_value = the value must be ( {0} ) than the corresponding value
Then in your AS code, use StringUtil.substitute(localeString, ">=");