In my Azure role startup task I need to deploy my native C++ application. I do that by running a set of actions from a .cmd file.
The pro开发者_JS百科blem is that the E:\
drive where the role contents is located and from where the startup task is run only has about 1 gigabyte of free space and that's not enough for deploying that application.
I can of course ask for local storage in the service definition, but I can't find how to get the actual path of where the local storage will be located from the startup task - there's RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource()
for that but it seems to only be available from the role code and I need to do the same from inside the startup task.
How do I detect the path to my local storage from a startup task?
You can write C# or PowerShell to do it. These days, my preferred method is the following PowerShell script:
write-host ([Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment]::GetLocalResource($name)).RootPath.TrimEnd('\\')
which I then call from a batch file as needed:
powershell -c "set-executionpolicy unrestricted"
for /f %%p in ('powershell .\getLocalResource.ps1 MyStorage') do set LOCALPATH=%%p
EDIT: See also, the same answer but on my blog.
If I recall correctly, we are using Azure Bootstrapper. It's convenient, and you don't have to deal with the complications of PowerShell if you aren't familiar with it.
I'm not 100% sure at this moment, but I remember it has local resource access as well, so you may be able to use it.
How do I detect the path to my local storage from a startup task?
Use Local Storage to Store Files During Startup
<!-- Create the Local Storage used by the startup task. -->
<LocalStorage name="StartupLocalStorage" sizeInMB="5"/>
<Task commandLine="Startup.cmd" executionContext="limited" taskType="simple">
<!-- Create the environment variable that informs the startup task where to find its Local
Storage. %PathToStartupStorage% resolves to the fully qualified path to the location
of the Local Storage.-->
<Variable name="PathToStartupStorage">
<RoleInstanceValue xpath="/RoleEnvironment/CurrentInstance/LocalResources/LocalResource[@name='StartupLocalStorage']/@path" />
And you can access with local evironment variable PathToStartupStorage
, %PathToStartupStorage%
from your startup script
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