I created an app that plays a sound when you press a button and it was working fine initially. I'm not sure what happened, I deleted one of the files and now xcode keeps giving me a warning in reference to a file Not being found. I've deleted and recreated the file, commented out the code using the file, and cleared but build but nothing seems to be working. I'm new to xcode and app development. Here's the errors I keep getting:
Check dependencies
[WARN]Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
Warning: Multiple build commands for output file /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
CpResource ../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3 /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahingahxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app/Bye.mp3
cd "/Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -resolve-src-symlinks "/Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3" /Users/adrienneiverson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpeakUp1-aoakahinga开发者_如何学JAVAhxuwfhopwfckqlxewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SpeakUp1.app
error: /Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3: No such file or directory
error: /Users/adrienneiverson/Desktop/SURE PROGRAM 2011 - GA TECH/SpeakUp1/../../Sounds/Mp3/Bye.mp3: No such file or directory
I have no idea what multiple build commands they're talking about and the file is located in the directory that they're saying its not in...I'm lost....
Have you cleared the build folder?
Or is that what you meant by I've deleted and recreated the file, commented out the code using the file, and cleared but build but nothing seems to be working.