I have the following domain class:
class AccountSupplier implem开发者_Python百科ents Serializable {
static mapping = {
table 'MY_TABLE'
version false
accountReference /*indexColumn: 'ACNTID', */ column:'REFACNTID'
supplierReference /* indexColumn:'SUPID' ,*/ column:'REFSUPID'
id composite:['accountReference', 'supplierReference']
Account accountReference
Supplier supplierReference
everything works fine with this except the ID handling. When I try to get the ID of an AccountSupplier Object, i dont get anything. The effect is that i am not able to delete or edit something. Only listing does work (without ID)
how can i handle the ID for getting, deleting ...
There is no actual ID. That's not really how composite ID's work. You'll need to provide a method on your class to allow for deleting (as well as other things)
static boolean remove(Account accountReference, Supplier supplierReference, boolean flush = false) {
AccountSupplier instance = AccountSupplier.findByAccountAndSupplier(accountReference, supplierReference)
instance ? instance.delete(flush: flush) : false