Basically what I was trying to do was to let users have the option of buying articles on my site. They would see a snippet of the article, pay with paypal, and without the page actually refreshing, the rest of the article is revealed
I don't want someone to build the whole thing (since that would take an internet eternity) I just want to get pointers on how I would go about doing so.
EDIT: Not talking about the payment part (I have a paypal business account and have ever开发者_如何学JAVAything set up) But the actual javascript it would take to build it
I tried going to the xdevelopers site on paypal but all they had was a button that you put on the site -_- hardly what I was looking for
Much appreciated
You will not be able to offer payment via paypal without a web page that goes to paypal. It might be possible for you to open a new browser window and do the paypal payment stuff in that window and then when you determine that payment has been received, you can close that window and then show the extra content in the original window.
But, you won't be able to just run a paypal transaction in your own window on your own site. Paypal customers are explicitly instructed to not enter paypal credentials into any non-paypal site because that's how scammers steal your paypal ID.