La开发者_如何学JAVAnguage is not getting changed when we are giving specific culture like "fr-FR" through Resource File.please help me out of it if any one knows ,Thanks in advance.
CultureInfo cinfo = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cinfo;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = cinfo;
The below code indicate that accessing the value through resource1 file according to the culture .
_inboxpage.Text = Resource1.Ready;
The resource files need to have a special naming convention to work transparently with different culture information.
You create a separate resource file for each language that you want to support or for a language and culture. Have one separate neutral resource file for the application to fall back upon in case the required key/value pair is not found. ex:
Resources.resx //neutral resource file //french specific file //French language for France
and so on.
You can get more details here:
Finally i got a solution that while doing Localization in Plugin Application we need to copy that culture folders like "fr-FR" to corresponding Main Application then it will works fine.