I'd like to take two records like this:
Id Fname Lname 开发者_C百科 Email
1 John Doe jdoe@example.com
2 John Doe doej1@place.net
And combine them in such a way that I have only one record:
Id Fname Lname Email1 Email2
1 John Doe jdoe@example.com doej@place.net
As you can see, this would add a field to my record that otherwise does not exist in the database. Is this possible or do I have to find another way?
NOTE: I am not able to change the database structure in any way.
The database product and version makes all the difference here. Assuming that you are using something that supports ranking functions (e.g. SQL Server 2005+)
Select FName, LName
, Min( Case When Rnk = 1 Then Z.Email End ) As Email1
, Min( Case When Rnk = 2 Then Z.Email End ) As Email2
From (
Select FName, LName, Email
, Row_Number() Over ( Partition By FName, LName Order By Id ) As Rnk
From MyTable
) As Z
Group By Z.FName, Z.LName
If you are not using a product that supports ranking functions (e.g. MySQL), then it is trickier. One solution that should work on almost all database systems would be:
Select FName, LName
, Min( Case When Rnk = 1 Then Z.Email End ) As Email1
, Min( Case When Rnk = 2 Then Z.Email End ) As Email2
From (
Select FName, LName, Email
, (Select Count(*)
From MyTable As T2
Where T1.FName = T2.FName
And T2.LName = T2.LName
And T2.Id < T1.Id) + 1 As Rnk
From MyTable As T1
) As Z
Group By Z.FName, Z.LName
If you're using SQL Server, see this article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/175574
It's got an example with different data, but the task is the same. You can usually find examples for other RDBMS's by searching for "Rotate Table [rdbmstype]" on Google or Bing
select x.Id as ID, x.Fname as Fname, x.Lname as Lname, x.Email as Email1, y.Email as email2 from
(select id, fname, lname, email from table) as x inner join
(select id, email from table) as y on x.id = y.id and x.email != y.email
Probably a little inefficient, but it'll get the job done.
In MySQL you can use GROUP_CONCAT()
SELECT Fname, Lname, GROUP_CONCAT(email) emails
FROM tbl
GROUP BY Fname, Lname;
If you need emails in separate fields, you can split resulting emails
string in your programming environment (like explode(',', $result['emails'])
in PHP), or use self-join (works only for 2 email fields):
SELECT a.Fname, a.Lname, a.Email Email1, b.email Email2
FROM tbl a JOIN tbl b ON a.Fname = b.Fname AND a.Lname = b.Lname AND a.Email != b.Email
adding contraption:
GROUP BY CONCAT(GREATEST(Email1,Email2),LEAST(Email1,Email2))
to get rid of duplicate email pairs.