Had a long search through here and the web and can't seem to find any examples that explain why I am getting a syntax error on the following: import win32com.client
PregCode = recordsetraw.Fields.Item("PregnancyCode").value
SQL = "INSERT INTO UniqueData SELECT * FROM Rawdata WHERE PregnancyCode =%s"
params = (PregCode)
connection.execute(SQL, params)
print PregCode
I'm getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "testdb.py", line 22, in 开发者_如何学Go connection.execute(SQL, params) File "", line 2, in execute pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft JET D atabase Engine', u"Syntax error in query expression 'PregnancyCode = %s'.", None , 5003000, -2147217900), None)
I have tried hardcoding in PregnancyCode to see if that would make a difference but no, same error.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
My Python is very rusty, and I don't recall what this type of substitution is called, but I think you're trying to accomplish something similar to this with your INSERT statement:
>>> print "Hello %s" %("World")
Hello World
From your code:
SQL = "INSERT INTO UniqueData SELECT * FROM Rawdata WHERE PregnancyCode =%s"
params = (PregCode)
connection.execute(SQL, params)
Trouble is connection is an ADO Connection, and its Execute Method won't perform the Pythonic text substitution you want.
I think you should do the text substitution in Python before you feed the INSERT string to connection.execute
Maybe something like this:
SQL = "INSERT INTO UniqueData SELECT * FROM Rawdata WHERE PregnancyCode =%s" %(PregCode)
If I didn't get the Python quite right, hopefully it's close enough so you can see how to fix it.
BTW, your title mentions Python ODBC, but I don't see that your code uses ODBC at all.
Your SQL needs an "INTO" clause:
SQL = "INSERT INTO UniqueData SELECT * FROM Rawdata WHERE PregnancyCode =%s"