
Build condition with date for jpa2 typesafe query

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 17:46 出处:网络
I have following query: SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Projekt p WHERE p.bewilligungsdatum = to_date(\'01-07-2000\', \'dd-mm-yyyy\')

I have following query:

FROM Projekt p
WHERE p.bewilligungsdatum = to_date('01-07-2000', 'dd-mm-yyyy')

but i have problems to build the conditions. Here my code:

condition = criteriaBuilder.equal((Expression<String>) projekt.get(criterion), "to_date('" + projektSearchField + "', 'dd-mm-yyyy')");

this generate following:

FROM Projekt p 
WHERE p.bewilligungsdatum = 'to_date('01-07-2000', 'dd-mm-yyyy')'

and u开发者_开发问答fcorse doesn't work. Which method should i use for date comparision (or how to remove the outer ' chars in the pattern part)?

why don't you try to work with parameters like that. Then you can do the String->Date conversion in java and pass a real java.util.Date to the database.

EntityManager em; // initialized somewhere
Date datum; // initialized somewhere


String queryString = "SELECT p " 
             + "FROM Projekt p"
             + "WHERE p.bewilligungsdatum = :datum";

Query query = em.createQuery(queryString)

query.setParameter("datum", datum);

List<Projekt> projekte = query.getResultList();

This is the way to stay DB independent because your are not using the specific to_date function

viele Grüße aus Bremen ;o)

This should work too, by passing a date as parameter of a restriction

Date datum; // initialized somewhere

CriteriaQuery query = ...

query.add(Restrictions.eq( "bewilligungsdatum ", datum );


Sorry. I had the hibernate CriteriaQuery in mind.

Then try via the CriteriaBuilder somthing like that

Date datum; // initialized somewhere


final CriteriaQuery<Projekt> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Projekt.class);
final Root<Projekt> projekt = query.from(Projekt.class);

Predicate condition = criteriaBuilder.equals(projekt.get("bewilligungsdatum"),datum);

I did not use this before, so have a try on your own

you can use https://openhms.sourceforge.io/sqlbuilder/ ,then use the Condition like

Object value1 = hire_date
Object value2 = new CustomObj("to_date('2018-12-01 00:00:00','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')")

public class CustomObj extends Expression {
    private Object _value;

    public CustomObj(Object value) {
        _value = value;

    public boolean hasParens() {
        return false;

    protected void collectSchemaObjects(ValidationContext vContext) {

    public void appendTo(AppendableExt app) throws IOException {

BinaryCondition.greaterThan(value1, value2, inclusive);

the sql like hire_date >= to_date('2011-02-28 00:00:00','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))



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