I have multiple checkboxes that the user can select to add values to a textarea. However, how do I make the output come out with commas in between and a period in the end? Thanks.
value1, val开发者_StackOverflowue2, value3.
Use an array, then output them with a join. i.e.
// establish an array to collect the selected values
var selValues = [];
// test for selected boxes. When/if selected (checked), add their value
// to the array with the .push() method
if (selectBox1.checked)
if (selectBox2.checked)
if (selectBox3.checked)
// now selValues has a list of selected values. Use the .join()
// method to take those values and concatenate them with a comma,
// then add a period to the end.
textArea1.value = selValues.join(',') + '.';
Above is pseudo-code, not production code.
Using jQuery you can do this dynamically: http://jsfiddle.net/NSctv/.
$('input[type=checkbox]').click(function() { // when clicked...
$('textarea').val( // set value
$('input[type=checkbox]:checked').map(function() {
return $(this).val();
}).toArray().join(", ") + '.' // set value to checked values concatenated with ", " and a dot.