I am back again with a question in zend framework. Can someone explain me, how to generate thumbnail images in开发者_开发知识库 zend framework after uploading an image.
Zend itself seems will not provide this ability http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFPROP/Zend_Image+-+Eric+Potvin and propose to use http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php. then you are free to use your own way
Not a purely Zend Framework answer, but lately I have found myself cheating like crazy, as follows.
I install phpThumb somewhere inside a web-accessible folder, say:
I make sure to configure phpThumb to use a cache folder:
which I chmod
to be web-server writable.
Then I have a phpThumb view-helper that allows me to call an original image with some resize parameters:
<img src="<?php $view->phpThumb($origImgUrl, $desiredWidth, $desiredHeight) ?>">
All the view helper really does is transform the src url into one that runs through my phpThumb installation, making sure to add the cool (!) zoom-center parameter:
<img src="/img/t/phpThumb.php?src=origUrl&w=200&h=150&zc=1">
The first call to this image with these resize params results in a full GD/ImageMagick-driven resize, with the full performance hit. But subsequent calls for that image will pull from cache. Not as good as a request for a truly static image, but usually acceptable for my relatively low-volume purposes.
This is especially useful during design/development, when I am not sure precisely how big I want some front-end, eye-candy image to be. So I can just stash a single, relatively-large verison of my image (say 640x480) out in public/img/someBigImage.png
and then resize at will.
It's a hack - probably better to perform this resizing on upload, as you are actually asking - but I must admit I have used it in a few spots. Don't tell anybody. ;-)