
Creating nested <ul> tree structure from ParentID's in a db

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 06:59 出处:网络
This seems like a pretty common task I want to do, but I can\'t wrap my head around the cfloops and cfqueries.

This seems like a pretty common task I want to do, but I can't wrap my head around the cfloops and cfqueries.

I have a database full of photo galleries. They all have an ID and a ParentID (except the root galleries - their ParentID is blank), and they can go multiple levels deep. Here's an example of the gallery structure:

I want to automatically output this structure above into nested ul's and li's (just like above). How is that done? I can't wrap my head around the placement of the ul's and li's to display the hierarchy levels correctly.

I guess the simpliest solution would be to use Query of Query...

If the dataset is huge, try <cftree> and populate the leaves on demand.

I would use a query of queries to do this recursively.

Note: the code below is NOT tested, so please treat is as example psuedocode.

<cfquery query="qReadAllData">
  select * from your_table

<!--- Read all roots (no parent ID) --->
<cfquery query="qReadRoots" dbtype="query">
  select nodeID from qReadAllData
  where parentID is null

  <cfloop query="qReadRoots">

    <cfset processNode(qReadRoots.nodeID) />


<cffunction name="processNode" output="true">
  <cfargument name="nodeID" type="any" />

  <!--- Check for any nodes that have *this* node as a parent --->
  <cfquery query="LOCAL.qFindChildren" dbtype="query">
    select nodeID from qReadAllData
    where parentID = #ARGUMENTS.nodeID#

  <cfif LOCAL.qFindChildren.recordcount>

    <!--- We have another list! --->
        <!--- We have children, so process these first --->
        <cfloop query="LOCAL.qFindChildren">

          <!--- Recursively call function --->
          <cfset processNode(LOCAL.qFindChildren.nodeID) />




     <!--- We have no more children, so we just output the value --->



It's late. I'm tired. I hope this is right :)

This is a mix of both SQL and Coldfusion. It's probably not the best to format the label in SQL Server, but it does give the desired format.


CREATE TABLE testTable(id int, parentID int)
INSERT INTO testTable(id, parentID) VALUES
    (1, NULL)
    , (2, 1)
    , (3, 1)
    , (4, NULL)
    , (5, 4)
    , (6, 5)
    , (7, 5)
    , (8, 4)


    qs = new query();
        ;WITH cte AS
            SELECT t.ID, t.parentID, 1 AS level, 
                CAST(DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t.parentID ORDER BY t.ID) AS varchar(max)) AS label
            FROM testTable t
            WHERE parentID IS NULL

            UNION ALL 

            SELECT t.ID, t.parentID, cte.level + 1 AS level, 
                CAST(cte.label AS varchar(max)) + ' - ' + CAST(DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t.parentID ORDER BY t.ID) AS varchar(max)) AS label
            FROM testTable t
                INNER JOIN cte ON cte.ID = t.parentID
        SELECT *,
            DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY parentID ORDER BY ID) AS [order]
        FROM cte
        ORDER BY label
    qMenu = qs.execute().getResult();

    oldLevel = 0;

    for (i=1;i<=qMenu.recordCount;i++){        
        if (qMenu.level[i] > oldLevel) {

        while (qMenu.level[i] < oldLevel) {

        WriteOutput("<li>" & qMenu.label[i] & "</li>");

        oldLevel = qMenu.level[i];


    do {
    } while (oldLevel > 0);

Here you go, if you give the actual data structure I'll alter to match your actual fields :

You can add a depth and lineage(fullPath) column to your table, then you can just do one simple select to get the heirarchy and output it accordingly. One query, done.

UPDATE T SET T.levelDeep = P.levelDeep + 1, 
T.fullPath= P.fullPath+ Ltrim(Str(T.ParentNode,6,0)) + '/' 
INNER JOIN Tree AS P ON (T.ParentNode=P.Node) 
WHERE P.levelDeep >=0 
AND P.fullPathIs Not Null 
AND T.levelDeep Is Null

Here's what you need :

T-SQL Stored Procedure for Looping a hierarchy with recursion

Let me know if you need help implementing it with your table

Update: See new answer with query to update with depth for easy select / output.



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