There are 2 programs below. In the first I have striped out everything but the problem loop and when I do that it works. In the second program (still striped down from the one I am working on) I use the same logic but the sub string called for_loop_buffer never loads.
Basically I am parsing 1 string which holds a record from a cdf file. The for loop buffer is where I build each field and save it to my class. I have been spinning my wheels on this for days any help would be appreciated.
Here are the contents from the file the program is reading:0,Nicole 0,Debbie –
Program 1
* Debug Version 02-b-1 - string to string build *
* *
* Saving a Person Object to file *
* This program will have a class that can save and *
* retrieve itself to and from a flat file in cdf format *
* *
* The program will accept screen input for subsequent *
* Object store call and will allow a print command that *
* will create a file of mailing labels. *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
std::string current_person = "Why does this not work? "; // CDF String version of person record from file
std::string for_loop_buffer = " "; // the substring buffer
int counter2 = 0;
int main( )
for (int i = 0;i <= 23;++i){
* This next line apears to be the problem *
for_loop_buffer[counter2] = current_person[i];
std::cout << "DEBUG - Current person " << current_person << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - current Person element " << current_person[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - for Loop Buffer " << for_loop_buffer << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - for Loop Buffer element " << for_loop_buffer[counter2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - for Loop Buffer counter " << counter2 << std::endl;
} // close for
return (0);
Program 2
* Debug Version 02 - Read data from a cdf file *
* *
* Saving a Person Object to file *
* This program will have a class that can save and *
* retrieve itself to and from a flat file in cdf format *
* *
* The program will accept screen input for subsequent *
* Object store call and will allow a print command that *
* will create a file of mailing labels. *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
* Class Definition - person *
* *
* Member functions *
* save_person -- Save the person object to a flat file in CDF *
* get_person -- Retrives a persons data from a CDF flat file *
// Definition of the Class
class person_class {
struct person_contact {
int person_number; // System assigned not on ui
std::string first_name;
// Declarations for the method Prototypes
// A Function that retrieves 1 person from file and
// provides it to the user
void get_person();
} person;
* person_class::get_person -- get a data record from file *
* *
inline void person_class::get_person()
// Declaration of private variables for this method
std::string ui_first_name; // User Input from Keyboard
person_contact target_person; // Name of the opbect we are filling
std::string current_person; // CDF String version of person record from file
std::cout << "Enter the First Name of the person you are looking for: ";
std::cin >> ui_first_name;
std::cout << std::endl << "Matching Records: " << std::endl;
// Open file
std::ifstream input_file("ntc_db02test.ntc");
std::cout << "DEBUG - I opened the file " << std::endl;
while (input_file.good()){
std::cout << "DEBUG - I have entered the while loop " << std::endl;
// Grab the next record from a comma delimited file
std::cout << "DEBUG - I have performed a getline " << std::endl;
std::cout << current_person << std::endl;
// I need a mechanism to build substrings
// Substring Buffer stuff
int buffer_pointer = 0; // pointer to the next position in the substring buffer
std::string for_loop_buffer =" "; // the substring buffer
int field_index = 0; // Which field is next to load
* If everything went as planned I have a single CDF person record *
* in the current_person string and now all I have to do is parse *
* it and place each field in the current instance. *
// load the instance with the record data from the file
for (int i = 0;i < current_person.length();++i){
std::cout << "DEBUG - I am in the for loop " << std::endl;
// look for the end of the CDF field
if(current_person[i] == ','){
// Write the buffer to the next field
std::cout << "DEBUG - I found a comma " << std::endl;
switch (field_index) {
case 0:
stringstream(for_loop_buffer) >> target_person.person_number;
std::cout << "DEBUG - Field Index " << field_index << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - For Loop Buffer " << for_loop_buffer << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - Person Number " << target_person.person_number << std::endl;
case 1:
stringstream(for_loop_buffer) >> target_person.first_name;
std::cout << "DEBUG - First Name " << target_person.first_name << std::endl;
std::cout << "This should not happen, index not functioning " << '\n';
} // Close Switch
// clear the buffer
for_loop_buffer.clear(); //SE
buffer_pointer = 0;
// set up the next field load - increment the field index
++field_index; //
}else{ // close if
std::cout << "DEBUG - not a comma " << std::endl;
// If the character is not a comma
// add the character to the buffer
* !!!!!!!!!!!! This next line apears to be the problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *
for_loop_buffer[buffer_pointer] = current_person[i];
std::cout << "DEBUG - Primary Index i " << i << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - current Person element " << current_person[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - Buffer Pointer " << buffer_pointer << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - for Loop Buffer element " << for_loop_buffer[buffer_pointer] << std::endl;
std::cout << "DEBUG - for Loop Buffer " << for_loop_buffer << std::endl;
// Increment the buffer pointer
} // close else
} // close for
if (target_person.first_name == ui_first_name){
// Code to print out full record
std::cout << target_person.first_name << " "
<< std::endl;
} // Close if
} // Close While
} // Close Class
* The idea this time is to do as little in the main as poss开发者_如何学Cible and as much *
* in the class as is appropriate. So rather than read in data and pass it to *
* the method, I will call the method and let it do its own UI reading. *
int main( )
* Ask the user if they want to Create a new person record *
* n or find a record in the database f *
// Set up for user input
char command = 'f';
std::cout << " What do you want to do? New Person (n) or Find Person (f) ";
std::cin >> command;
while (command == 'n' || command == 'f'){
if (command == 'n'){
std::cout << "Do Nothing" << std::endl;
} else if (command == 'f'){
person_class current_person_object;
command = 'x';
std::cout << "I am Back in Main" << std::endl;
std::cout << "You entered something other than a -n- or a -f-, program terminating now" << std::endl;
return (0);
You are looping through the string, splitting it up on commas, however there are standard library functions that can simplify this for you. This sounds like homework, so I wont post any code answers, but here are some hints:
will search through a string for you, and tell you where the next comma is.std::string::substr
given a position in the string and a length, will return a part of the string.
Using the above two functions in a loop you could pick out your fields in less code, that's easier to follow.
Alternatively, it would be possible to read the values straight from the stream, as the std::getline
function you are using has an extra parameter to specify what character terminates the line (i.e. the comma).
Hard to see through the code, but in your "real" code you say for_loop_buffer.clear();
, which is synonymous to for_loop_buffer = "";
, and later I think you are accessing a member of the (now empty) string:
for_loop_buffer[buffer_pointer] = current_person[i]; // Illegal access!