
Merging and sorting log files in Python

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 05:20 出处:网络
I am completely new to python and I have a serious problem which I cannot solve. I have a few log files with identical structure:

I am completely new to python and I have a serious problem which I cannot solve.

I have a few log files with identical structure:

[timestamp] [level] [source] message

For example:

[Wed Oct 11 14:32:52 2000] [error] [client] error message

I need to write a program in pure Python which should merge these log files into one file and then sort the merged file by timestamp. After this operation I wish to print this result (the contents of the merged file) to STDOUT (console).

I don't understand how to do this would like help. Is this开发者_C百科 possible?

You can do this

import fileinput
import re
from time import strptime

f_names = ['1.log', '2.log'] # names of log files
lines = list(fileinput.input(f_names))
t_fmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' # format of time stamps
t_pat = re.compile(r'\[(.+?)\]') # pattern to extract timestamp
for l in sorted(lines, key=lambda l: strptime(t_pat.search(l).group(1), t_fmt)):
    print l,

First off, you will want to use the fileinput module for getting data from multiple files, like:

data = fileinput.FileInput()
for line in data.readlines():
    print line

Which will then print all of the lines together. You also want to sort, which you can do with the sorted keyword.

Assuming your lines had started with [2011-07-20 19:20:12], you're golden, as that format doesn't need any sorting above and beyond alphanum, so do:

data = fileinput.FileInput()
for line in sorted(data.readlines()):
    print line

As, however, you have something more complex you need to do:

def compareDates(line1, line2):
   # parse the date here into datetime objects
   # Then use those for the sorting
   return cmp(parseddate1, parseddate2)

data = fileinput.FileInput()
for line in sorted(data.readlines(), cmp=compareDates):
    print line

For bonus points, you can even do

data = fileinput.FileInput(openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed)

which will enable you to read in gzipped log files.

The usage would then be:

$ python yourscript.py access.log.1 access.log.*.gz

or similar.

As for the critical sorting function:

def sort_key(line):
    return datetime.strptime(line.split(']')[0], '[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')

This should be used as the key argument to sort or sorted, not as cmp. It is faster this way.

Oh, and you should have

from datetime import datetime

in your code to make this work.

Read the lines of both files into a list (they will now be merged), provide a user defined compare function which converts timestamp to seconds since epoch, call sort with the user defined compare, write lines to merged file...

def compare_func():
    # comparison code

lst = []

for line in open("file_1.log", "r"):

for line in open("file_2.log", "r"):

# create compare function from timestamp to epoch called compare_func

lst.sort(cmp=compare_func)  # this could be a lambda if it is simple enough

something like that should do it

All of the other answers here read in all the logs before the first line is printed, which can be incredibly slow, and even break things if the logs are too big.

This solution uses a regex and a strptime format, like the above solutions, but it "merges" the logs as it goes.

That means you can pipe the output of the to "head" or "less", and expect it to be snappy.

import typing
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass

t_fmt = "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%f"      # format of time stamps
t_pat = re.compile(r"([^ ]+)")  # pattern to extract timestamp

def get_time(line, prev_t):
    # uses the prev time if the time isn't found
    res = t_pat.search(line)
    if not res:
        return prev_t
        cur = time.strptime(res.group(1), t_fmt)
    except ValueError:
        return prev_t   
    return cur

def print_sorted(files):
    class FInfo:
        path: str
        fh: typing.TextIO
        cur_l = ""
        cur_t = None

        def __read(self):
            self.cur_l += self.fh.readline()
            if not self.cur_l:
                # eof found, set time so file is sorted last
                self.cur_t = time.localtime(time.time() + 86400)
                self.cur_t = get_time(self.cur_l, self.cur_t)

        def read(self):
            # clear out the current line, and read
            self.cur_l = ""
            while self.cur_t is None:

    finfos = []
    for f in files:
            fh = open(f, "r")
        except FileNotFoundError:
        fi = FInfo(f, fh)

    while True:
        # get file with first log entry
        fi = sorted(finfos, key=lambda x: x.cur_t)[0]
        if not fi.cur_l:
        print(fi.cur_l, end="")



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