
Can I fetch subtasks of a JIRA issue via XMLRPC (and if so, how to do this)?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 05:18 出处:网络
I have an xmlrpc interface running and am able to fetch issues by ID. For example, the issue as returned by getIssue(\'PROJECT-701\') contains the fields:

I have an xmlrpc interface running and am able to fetch issues by ID. For example, the issue as returned by getIssue('PROJECT-701') contains the fields:

affectsVersions .. : [releaseDate,sequence,released,archived,...]
assignee ......... : '...'
components ....... : ...
created .......... : '2011-06-01 16:14:21.217'
customFieldValues  : ...
description ...... : '...'
fixVersions ...... : #()
id ............... : '28602'
key .............. : 'PROJECT-701'
project .......... : 'PROJECT'
reporter ......... : '...'
status ........... : '10032'
summary .......... : '...'
type ............. : '18'
updated .......... : '2011-06-07 12:49:51.363'
votes ............ : '0'

now I need to fetch the issue's subtasks. From the html-browser interface, I know that 3 subtasks with IDs 702, 703,...) are present. I am able to fetch the subtasks (as issues) by their issue ID, if those IDs are known (i.e. a getIssue('PROJECT-703') gives the correct return with subtask as issuetype.

However, how do I get those subtask-ids via xmlrpc from the issue ??

I find no parent-issue-id in the subtask nor any subtask-ids in the parent. Is this simply missing from the XMLRPC interface (and I need to use SOAP), or is there a clever trick (text or other special search) to get the info?

If possible, I want to stay with and use XMLRPC instead of SOAP, but a definite confirmation that it is NOT possible in XMLRPC would also be helpful, so I won't waste time trying to get an 开发者_Python百科incomplete xml-rpc interface working...

Additional info: I am talking to a JIRA 3.13.5 and a getServerInfo request returns:

baseUrl .... : ...
buildDate .. : 'Tue Jul 07 00:00:00 CEST 2009'
buildNumber  : '360'
edition .... : 'Enterprise'
serverTime . : '...'
version .... : '3.13.5'

Thanks for any hint.

edit: (Sorry misread your question, my answer is for SOAP. With luck the XML-RPC will also have this method).

Unfortunately I'm using version 4.2, so I don't know if this method is available for your version; a quick search of the 3.x documentation suggests it might be.

The only way I've been able to get the substasks for an issue is by using the getIssuesFromJqlSearch method:

$jira.getIssuesFromJqlSearch($token, 'parent = "PROJECT-703"', 100)

This returns all the subtasks for PROJECT-703



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