Currently I'm using this jquery script combining with php (doesn't matter):
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var select = "<?php if_exist($select, ''); ?>";
var event = "<?php if_exist($event, 'click'); ?>";
var display = "<?php if_exist($display, '#display'); ?>";
var loading = "<?php if_exist($loading, '#loading'); ?>";
var datatype = "<?php if_exist($datatype, 'json'); ?>";
var cache;
if (event == "submit"){ $("input:submit").hide(); }
$(select).bind( event , function(key){
if ( event == "keypress" ) {
if ( key.which == <?php if_exist($keycode, '13'); ?> ) {
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ var returned = data; }
if (datatype == "json"){ var returned = data<?php if_exist($return, '.return'); ?>; }
if (returned != cache)
cache = returned;
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ $(display).hide().html(data).fadeIn(); }
if (datatype == "json"){ $(display).hide().autoRender(data).fadeIn(); }
return false;
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ var returned = data; }
if (datatype == "json"){ var returned = data<?php if_exist($return, '.returnValue'); ?>; }
if (returned != cache)
开发者_运维知识库 {
cache = returned;
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ $(display).hide().html(data).fadeIn(); }
if (datatype == "json"){ $(display).hide().autoRender(data).fadeIn(); }
if ($event == 'submit') { return false;}
I want to reduce the amount of code used in this script, I think we can surely reduce the amount of code in this script by giving our attention to the line #11 which contains: if ( event == "keypress" ) {
, because in the next else
statement the same code is repeated twice, but how can we do this? Any idea?
The following piece looks duplicated:
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ var returned = data; }
if (datatype == "json"){ var returned = data; }
if (returned != cache)
cache = returned;
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ $(display).hide().html(data).fadeIn(); }
if (datatype == "json"){ $(display).hide().autoRender(data).fadeIn(); }
You should consider moving it's functionality to a function (sic)!
In addition to Vlad's answer: Remove the unnecessary if query and variable assignment:
function(data) {
// in every case, data is assigned to another variable which is
// unnecessary as well
// if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text"){ var returned = data; }
// if (datatype == "json"){ var returned = data; }
if (data != cache) {
cache = data;
if (datatype == "html" || datatype == "text") {
else if (datatype == "json"){
}, datatype );