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Closed 11 years ago.
Improve this questionMust say I find programming in Haskell to require much more cognitive intensity than any other language I've tried. I'm not certain I care about lazy evaluation or monads very much, but I do appreciate certain functional aspects, static type checking and not needing a huge VM to run.
I've been writing a short program to rename images based on EXIF and now have something that works. I'd like someone Haskell expert opinions on the overall structure of the source code in terms of what I've done right/wrong, and how I might improve and make the code more succinct. I won't bother posting the entire program but a lot of the overall structure is below. Appreciate it.
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Locale
import System.IO.Error
import Text.Printf
import Album.Utils
import Album.Exif
import Album.Error
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main
main = do
r <- try main0
case r of
Left err -> do
printf "Error type: %s\n" $ (show $ ioeGetErrorType err)
printf "Error string: %s\n" $ (ioeGetErrorString err)
printf "Error filename: %s\n" $ (maybe "None" id $ ioeGetFileName err)
printf "Error handle: %s\n" $ (maybe "None" show $ ioeGetHandle err)
Right _ -> return ()
-- Process arguments
main0 = do
args <- getArgs
case processArgs args desc of
(True, _, usage) -> showUsage usage
(False, (flags, fns, []), usage) -> do
rv <- runErrorT $ main1 flags fns
either (\e -> showErrs [show e] usage) (const $ return ()) rv
(False, (_, _, errs), usage) -> showErrs errs usage
desc = "Rename and catalog media.\n" ++
"Usage: album -n <albumname> <options> <media files>\n"
-- Sanity check
main1 flags fns = do
-- Check name
albName <- maybe (throwError AlbumNameError) return $ albumName flags
-- Check for duplicate media
let dups = nub $ fns \\ nub fns
unless (null dups) $ throwError $ MediaDuplicateError dups
-- Check for valid filenames
(haves, havenots) <- liftIO $ filesExist fns
unless (null havenots) $ throwError $ MediaNotFoundError havenots
when (null haves) $ throwError MediaNotSpecifiedError
-- Check exiftool existence
tool0 <- liftIO $ findExecutable "exiftool"
tool <- maybe (throwError ExifToolNotFoundError) return tool0
-- Get EXIF attributes
exifs0 <- liftIO $ getExifs tool fns
exifs <- either (throwError . ExifParseError) return exifs0
-- Check for exiftool errors
let bads = findExifs "ExifTool:Error" exifs
unless (null bads) $ throwError $ MediaBadError $ map fst bads
-- Check for timestamps
let infos0 = map (\(n,e) -> (n, exifToDateTime e)) exifs
let nodates = filter (isNothing . snd) infos0
unless (null nodates) $ throwError $ MediaDateTimeTagError $ map fst nodates
let infos = map (\(n,Just dt) -> (n,dt)) infos0
main2 albName infos
-- Do renames
main2 albName infos = do
-- Album folder name
let mints = minimum $ map snd infos
let mintsiso = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%d" mints
let albFolder = printf "%s - %s" m开发者_开发技巧intsiso albName
-- Get list of existing media
albExist <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist albFolder
(albCreate, existing) <- case albExist of
False -> return (True, [])
True -> do
e <- liftIO $ filter ((/= ".") . nub) <$> getDirectoryContents albFolder
return (False, e)
-- Rename list
let rens0 = mediaNames albName infos existing
let rens1 = map (\(a,b) -> (a, combine albFolder b)) rens0
let len = maximum $ map (length . fst) rens1
if albCreate
then do
liftIO $ printf "Creating folder: %s\n" albFolder
liftIO $ createDirectory albFolder
return ()
forM_ rens1 $ \(oldf, newf) -> do
liftIO $ printf "%*s >>> %s\n" len oldf newf
liftIO $ renameFile oldf newf
return ()
showErrs errs usage = do
putStrLn $ concatMap ("Error: " ++ ) errs
return ()
showUsage usage = do
putStrLn usage
return ()
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Rename
mediaNames albName infos existing = go existing (map cands infos)
go es [] = []
go es ((fn,cs):css) = let p = unused cs es in (fn,p):go (p:es) css
unused cs es = fromJust $ find (`notElem` es) cs
cands (fn,dt) = (fn, map (++ ext) (pref:alts))
pref = printf "%s - %s" (ft dt) albName
ft dt = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" dt
alts = map (printf "%s (%02d)" pref) ([1..] :: [Int])
ext = map toLower (takeExtension fn)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Arguments
data Option = OptionAlbumName String
| OptionHelp
deriving (Eq, Show)
processArgs args desc = (elem OptionHelp flags, opts, usage)
opts@(flags, fns, errs) = getOpt RequireOrder conf args
usage = usageInfo desc conf
conf = [
Option "n" ["name"] (ReqArg OptionAlbumName "NAME") "Album name",
Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg OptionHelp) "Help"]
albumName (OptionAlbumName n:xs) = Just n
albumName (x:xs) = albumName xs
albumName [] = Nothing