I have a very strange issue. I need to programmatically increase my TableView height. But programmatic frame change in terms of width or height isn't been aplied. Is there some other way of changing frames in Cocoa?
I’m using the following code:
-(IBAction )topButtonClicked:(id)sender{
if(testView.isHidden == NO){
开发者_开发技巧 [testView setHidden:YES];
[tableView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0,595, 666,595+120)];
else {
[tableView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0,595, 666,595)];
[testView setHidden:NO];
By default, a table view is enclosed in a scroll view and the scroll view is configured to automatically resize its subviews. This means that changing the table view frame alone won’t work because the enclosing scroll view will autoresize it.
You should change the frame of the enclosing scroll view instead. For example:
[[tableView enclosingScrollView] setFrame:NSMakeRect(0,595, 666,595+120)];
or you could have an outlet for the scroll view:
[tableScrollView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0,595, 666,595+120)];