'Im doing some research on adding some text in a .doc file via vb6 language. But the code I found says'
With objWord.Bookmarks
.Item("NAME").Range.Text = tx开发者_如何学GotName
.Item("ADDRESS").Range.Text = txtAddress
.Item("CODE").Range.Text = txtCode
.Item("PHONE").Range.Text = txtPhone
.Item("FAX").Range.Text = txtFax
End With
the NAME,ADDRESS,CODE,PHONE,FAX are the bookmarks.
hos could i add bookmarks in msWord application?
thanks for the replies
The version of Word may make a difference, but in Word 2003 you click Insert|Bookmark and in the dialog window that pops up you name your bookmark. Not to be snarky about it, but you could also try opening Word and pressing F1.