I'm trying create a gantt chart with highcharts and I need to put the data in the JSON format. I'm getting real close, but the problem i'm having is that the data I am pushing is being surrounded by quotes. I'm guessing there is just something that I am doing wrong, but I can't figure it out.
I can tell that the issue is with quotes being added because i have some static data that works just fine and I printed the object in the firebug console for the static data and my dynamic data.
So here is the very basic of my options var:
var options = {
series : [],
test : [ {
data : [ {
low : Date.UTC(2012, 0, 1),
y : Date.UTC(2012, 0, 15)
}, {
low : Date.UTC(2012, 0, 10),
y : Date.UTC(2012, 4, 28)
} ]
Then I have this function which gets called at load time:
function loadData() {
var chartData = $('#hiddenDate').val();
console.log('hiddenDate = '+chartData);
var goodData = chartData.split('|');
console.log('goodData = '+goodData);
var series = {
data : []
try {
$.each(goodData, function(index, value) {
var goodData2 = value.split(",");
var startYear = goodData2[0].substr(0, 4);
var endYear = goodData2[1].substr(0, 4);
var startMonth = goodData2[0].substr(5, 2);
var endMonth = goodData2[1].substr(5, 2);
var startDay = goodData2[0].substr(8, 2);
var endDay = goodData2[1].substr(8, 2);
low : 'Date.UTC('+startYear+','+startMonth+','+startDay+')',
y : 'Date.UTC('+endYear+','+endMonth+','+endDay+')'
var start = "{low : Date.UTC("+startYear+","+startMonth+","+startDay+")";
var end = "y : Date.UTC("+endYear+","+endMonth+","+endDay+")}";
console.log('series.data = '+series.data.toSource());
console.log('options.test = '+options.test.toSource());
console.log('options.series = '+options.series.toSource());
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR ..." + err.description + ' message:'+ err.message);
And here is the firebug output where I can see that the quotes are causing an issue for options.series:
series.data = ["{low : Date.UTC(2011,05,27)", "y : Date.UTC(2011,02,17)}", "{low : Date.UTC(2011,07,05)", "y : Date.UTC(2010,12,23)}"]
options.test = [{data:[{low:1325376000000, y:1326585600000}, {low:1326153600000, y:1338163200000}]}]
options.series = [{data:["{low : Date.UTC(2011,05,27)", "y : Date.UTC(2011,02,17)}", "{low : Date.UTC(2011,07开发者_Go百科,05)", "y : Date.UTC(2010,12,23)}"]}]
shouldn't your start and end variables be object literals instead of strings?