I'm curious about how to emulate RPAD and LPAD functions for SQLite, formally, in the most general way. The goal is to be able to do
LPAD(column, character, repeat)
RPAD(column, character, repeat)
For non-constant table columns column
, character
, repeat
. If character
and repeat
were known constants, then this would be a good, viable solution:
- http://verysimple.com/2010/01/12/sqlite-lpad-rpad-function/
But what if the above should be executed like this:
SELECT LPAD(t.column, t.character, t.repeat) FROM t
SELECT LPAD(t.column, some_function(), some_other_function()) FROM t
SELECT LPAD(t.column, :some_b开发者_StackOverflowind_variable, :some_other_bind_variable) FROM t
How could this LPAD
function be generally emulated? I'm lost with the possibilities:
- http://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html
A related question:
- How to emulate REPEAT() in SQLite
Copied from http://verysimple.com/2010/01/12/sqlite-lpad-rpad-function/
-- the statement below is almost the same as
-- select lpad(mycolumn,'0',10) from mytable
select substr('0000000000' || mycolumn, -10, 10) from mytable
-- the statement below is almost the same as
-- select rpad(mycolumn,'0',10) from mytable
select substr(mycolumn || '0000000000', 1, 10) from mytable
You could also PRINTF for the cases of 0
and space left padding:
sqlite> SELECT PRINTF('%02d',5);
sqlite> SELECT PRINTF('%2d',5);
sqlite> SELECT PRINTF('%04d%02d',25,5);
Starting from SQLite 3.38.0 (February 2022, introduced in this commit) printf
becomes an alias for the FORMAT
function for greater compatibility with other DBMSs. The function is documented at: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html#format FORMAT
is not however standardized. and e.g. PostgreSQL 14 FORMAT
does not recognize %d
, only %s
A simpler version of @user610650's solution, using hex() instead of quote(), and works with string padding in addition to char padding:
X = padToLength
Y = padString
Z = expression
Z ||
X - length(Z)
Here's more nastiness for you:
X = padToLength
Y = padString
Z = expression
RPAD (for LPAD, Z is concatenated after instead):
Z ||
quote(zeroblob(((X - length(Z) - 1 + length(Y)) / length(Y) + 1) / 2)),
(X - length(Z))
sqlite> select "foo" || replace(replace(substr(quote(zeroblob((2 + 1) / 2)), 3, (2 - length("foo"))), "'", ""), "0", "W");
sqlite> select "foo" || replace(replace(substr(quote(zeroblob((7 + 1) / 2)), 3, (7 - length("foo"))), "'", ""), "0", "W");
Sqlite is meant to be quite lightweight, so I have to disagree somewhat with your comment about being "surprised" by the lack of functionality. However, I agree that there should be a simpler way to do padding, if only because the trim
functions exist.
A JDBC/custom functions approach (may not be suitable in your exact case, but might be able to be adapted). Uses inspiration from SqliteJDBC Custom Functions and the rightPad and leftPad functions from Apache commons.lang.StringUtils:
import java.sql.*;
import org.sqlite.Function;
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Connection conn = getConnection();
conn.createStatement().execute("SELECT LPAD(t.column, t.character, t.repeat) FROM t");
conn.createStatement().execute("SELECT RPAD(t.column, t.character, t.repeat) FROM t");
public static Connection getConnection()
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:");
/* Left Padding UDF */
Function.create(conn, "LPAD", new Function()
protected void xFunc() throws SQLException
String text = value_text(0);
/* uses first character of supplied padding */
char paddingCharacter = value_text(1).charAt(0);
int repeat = value_int(2);
int padLength = repeat - text.length();
if(padLength <= 0)
char[] padding = new char[padLength];
Array.fill(padding, paddingCharacter);
result(new String(padding).append(text));
/* Right Padding UDF */
Function.create(conn, "RPAD", new Function()
protected void xFunc() throws SQLException
String text = value_text(0);
/* uses first character of supplied padding */
char paddingCharacter = value_text(1).charAt(0);
int repeat = value_int(2);
int padLength = repeat - text.length();
if(padLength <= 0)
char[] padding = new char[padLength];
Array.fill(padding, paddingCharacter);
result(text.append(new String(padding)));
(Untested, off the cuff, doesn't handle nulls, etc, but should outline the idea...)
Her's a simple solution to pad 0-9 with a leading zero using CASE.
sqlite> select id,week,year from bulletin where id = 67;
select id,CASE WHEN length(week) = 2 THEN week
ELSE '0'||week
END AS week,year from bulletin where id = 67;
Maybe like this:
LPAD(@orig_text, @padding_char, @padding_length)
:SELECT SUBSTR( REPLACE( CAST(ZEROBLOB(@padding_length) AS TEXT), CAST(ZEROBLOB(1) AS TEXT), @padding_char ) + @orig_text, -@padding_length, @paadding_length )
RPAD(@orig_text, @padding_char, @padding_length)
:SELECT SUBSTR( @orig_text + REPLACE( CAST(ZEROBLOB(@padding_length) AS TEXT), CAST(ZEROBLOB(1) AS TEXT), @padding_char ), 1, @padding_length )
I absolutely have no experience with SQLite, actually my time of interacting with SQLite3 db less then three days only. So I am not sure my findings could help anything to your requirement.
I am playing with some fun project of having all possible 11 digit phone number (3 digit operator prefix + 8 digit subscriber number). My target was to create some kind of database with minimum possible storage resource but must have to cover every possible number on database. So I created one table for 8 digit subscriber and another table contain 3 digit company prefix. Final number will come up on view joining two table data. Let me focus on LOAD Problem. As subscriber table column is INT, it is 0 to 99999999 individual record. Simple join fail for subscriber number having less then 10000000 ; any subscribers subscription id number valued under 10000000 shows up XXXprefix+11 where expecting XXX000000+11.
After failing with LPAD/RPAD on SQLite, I found "SUBSTR"!
Have a look on query bellow :
CREATE TABLE subs_num (
subscriber_num integer PRIMARY KEY
INSERT INTO subs_num values ('1');
INSERT INTO subs_num values ('10');
INSERT INTO subs_num values ('100');
INSERT INTO subs_num values ('1000');
SELECT subscriber_num from subs_num;
SELECT SUBSTR('00000000' || subscriber_num, -8, 8) AS SUBSCRIB_ID FROM subs_num;
Now I think you can use SUBSTR for your LPAD/RPAD needs.
printf works for spaces, too:
SELECT 'text lpad 20 "'||printf("%020s", 'text')||'"' paddedtxt UNION
SELECT 'text rpad 20 "'||printf("%-020s", 'text')||'"' paddedtxt UNION
SELECT 'num lpad 20 "'||printf("%020d", 42)||'"' paddedtxt
results to
num lpad 20 "00000000000000000042"
text lpad 20 " text"
text rpad 20 "text "
Goal: Use available sqlite functions to mimic ltrim
Approach: (1) Use concat function "||" to add zeroes (or whatever the desired pad character is) to the left of the string, adding the number of zeroes equal to the number of characters you want left over, then adding a zero to the right. (2) Use substring to keep the desired number of characters.
Example: To pad page_number which was an integer with zeroes on the left to end up with five characters zero-filled to the left:
substring(('00000' || cast(page_number as text) || '0'), -1, -5)
from pages where classification = xxx'
Comment: substring seemed to ignore the last character when starting from -1, that's why I added a zero to the right - so it can be ignored. There's probably a more elegant way to do that.