How can I send e-mails with the BCC header? I follow the ruby on rails guide and set :bcc => ""
and it doesn't work.
edit by corroded Here's the code I tried:
def booking_confirmed_email(booking)
@booking = booking
mail(:to => booking.contact_email,
:bcc => "",
:subject => "Congratulations, #{booking.contact_name}!")
also tried:
def booking_confirmed_email(booking)
@booking = booking
mail(:to => booking.contact_email,
:bcc => [""],
:subject => "Congratulations, #{booking.contact_name}!")
to no avail
Full details here:
Short answer:
mail(:to => "" , :subject => "Example Subject",
:bcc => ["", "Order Watcher <>"] ,
:cc => "" )
note how you can pass an array of email addresses to each of the :to, :cc, :bcc options.
I've just exactly the same problem. It turns out in my case I was BCC'ing the same address I was TO'ing. ActionMailer or the mail server was doing something clever and choosing to only send one copy of the email.
I changed to using two different email addresses and BCC worked perfectly.
on your user_mailer, on your mail def, add the following:
mail(:subject => "enter your subject", :bcc => "")
you can also make your bcc recieve a list of emails
@bcc = User.all.pluck(:email)
then call
mail(:subject => "enter your subject", :bcc => @bcc)
hope this helps. :)
Check out and add 'default :bcc => "your_required_bcc_email" in your equivalent of the user_mailer.rb
If you are using any queue adaptor (ex. Sidekiq) - try restart it.