How can I combine the following Regex into a single one to remove all spaces and periods in the file? I figured out how to replace a single char, but not multiple characters in a single line.
开发者_开发问答 string testfile = @"C:\test\work\A Nightmare.On.Elm Street 1984.720p.BRRip.nfo";
testfile = testfile.Substring(0, testfile.Length - 4);
testfile = Regex.Replace(testfile, @"\.", "");
testfile = Regex.Replace(testfile, @"\s", "");
The regex to use is @"[\s\.]"
testfile = Regex.Replace(testfile, @"[\s\.]", "");
Try this:
testfile = Regex.Replace(testfile, @"[.\s]", "");