When a user selects a category from the first drop down box then i want the 2nd drop down to be updated based on the selection of the first drop down.
I have created multiple ArrayCollections whose names are set to the "data" values of the first drop down, for instance:
public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"Canada",data:"Canada"}, ]);
public var USA:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"state3",data:"state3"}, ]);
public var Canada:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"statec",data:"statec"}, ]);
public var Italy:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"statez",data:"statez"}, ]);
and the list is implemented as :
<mx:FormItem label="State:" color="black" required="true">
<s:DropDownList id="state" prompt="Select State" dataProvider="{country.selectedItem.data}">
Any ideas how to achieve this? Basically I need to know how to correctly update dataprovider for the list to use correct arraycollection.
You could instead change your data to be nested, more like this :
public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"USA", data: // country
new ArrayCollection([ // its states, nested
{label:"Canada",data: // country
new ArrayCollection([ // its states, nested
Then just bind the selected item like you have :
<mx:FormItem label="State:" color="black" required="true">
<s:DropDownList id="state" prompt="Select State"
Listen to the change event of the first drop down list and do something like this:
state.dataProvider = this[country.selectedItem.data]
The 'this' keyword refers to the current component, and using the bracket syntax will use the string value in the state dataProvider to access the variable on the component.