I am working on simple Workflow Foundation that uses a simple ASP.NET page as its client.
I am using the page to collect a loan amount and month amount to calculate per month loan amount.
I have two WCF services that I am going to be using to do this.
In the WF application, I begin with a "Receive Activity" which waits for a request from the response. In order to do this, I must define the "ServiceContractName" in the properties. What is this SPECIFICALLY referring to?
EDIT Looking at the wsdl for one of the services I am using is found at the following URL:
and it has the following in it which I think might help me to get the proper namespace to use for the ServiceContractName:
I am still insure what to use for the proper namespace of the service?
ServiceContractName is the namespace and the name of the service - e.g., http://www.tempuri.org/MyService.
See Combining WCF and WF4 - it seems to go into some detail on combining Workflow Foundation and WCF.
(I've personally never used Workflow Foundation, but have done quite a bit with WCF).