In my current project I have a need to display log output into a separate window but for whatever reason I'm not getting it to work. As I'm pretty new to WPF data binding I suspect the problem is me ;O).
Here's how it's supposed to work:
There's three view model classes, each representing a an aggregate for another (digested for clarity)
// The VM starting point, using a Singleton instance
// It holds a collection of log "sources", each representing a separate class' logging
internal sealed class ClassLogVM : DependencyObject
private readonly Dictionary<object, ClassLogSourceVM> _sourceIndex;
private readonly object _syncRoot;
/* dependency property initialization omitted */
private static ClassLogVM _s_singleton;
public static ClassLogVM Singleton
get { return _s_singleton ?? (_s_singleton = new ClassLogVM()); }
public IEnumerable<ClassLogSourceVM> Items
get { return (IEnumerable<ClassLogSourceVM>) GetValue(_s_itemsProp); }
set { SetValue(_s_itemsProp, value); }
private void classLogLogged(object sender, ClassLogEventArgs args)
VM.InvokeInUiThread(() =>
开发者_开发百科 ClassLogSourceVM source;
var caller = args.Caller == null ? "(unknown)" : args.Caller.ToString();
lock (_syncRoot)
if (!_sourceIndex.ContainsKey(caller))
source = new ClassLogSourceVM(caller);
((List<ClassLogSourceVM>) Items).Add(source);
_sourceIndex.Add(caller, source);
source = _sourceIndex[caller];
source.Add(new ClassLogItemVM(args.Timestamp, args.Message));
private ClassLogVM()
_syncRoot = new object();
_sourceIndex = new Dictionary<object, ClassLogSourceVM>();
Items = new List<ClassLogSourceVM>();
ClassLog.Logged += classLogLogged;
// represents a collection of log entries (see: Items property)
public class ClassLogSourceVM : DependencyObject
public string Name
get { return (string) GetValue(_s_nameProp); }
set { SetValue(_s_nameProp, value); }
public IEnumerable<ClassLogItemVM> Items
get { return (IEnumerable<ClassLogItemVM>)GetValue(_s_itemsProp); }
private set { SetValue(_s_itemsProp, value); }
public void Add(ClassLogItemVM item)
public override string ToString()
return GetValue(_s_nameProp) + " (Count: " + Items.Count() + ")";
public ClassLogSourceVM(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
SetValue(_s_nameProp, name);
Items = new List<ClassLogItemVM>();
// represents an individual log entry
public sealed class ClassLogItemVM : DependencyObject
public DateTime Timestamp
get { return (DateTime) GetValue(_s_timestampProp); }
public string Message
get { return (string) GetValue(_s_messageProp); }
set { SetValue(_s_messageProp, value); }
public override string ToString()
return Timestamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss:fff") + ": " + Message;
public ClassLogItemVM(DateTime timestamp, string message)
SetValue(_s_timestampProp, timestamp);
SetValue(_s_messageProp, message);
This is how I set up the XAML (user control called "ClassLogView") ...
<UserControl x:Class="GeDevelop.GVSViewer.Views.Debug.ClassLogView"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"
DataContext="{Binding Debug:ClassLogVM.Singleton.Items}">
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="sources" Source="{Binding}">
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Source" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Debug:ClassLogSourceVM}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />
<Grid d:DataContext="{Binding Debug:ClassLogVM.Singleton}">
<TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource sources}}">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Debug:ClassLogSourceVM}" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>
The result is the Treeview is empty.
Now, my questions are: 1. What have I missed, causing the TreeView to display nothing? 2. I need to programmatically assign the DataContext to the user control despite the fact I have stated it in the tag. Why?
Would appreciate an explanation. WPF sure isn't for the faint hearted... ;O)
as far as I know that's not how you create DependencyProperties. DependencyObject is the core/base class of most of the UIElements, i would be very cautious to base my class on it.
Google or search in StackOverflow for DependencyProperty if you really want to use it.
In most cases, wrapping your DomainModel/BusinessObject with INotifyPropertyChanged is more than enough to get WPF binding pick it up