I am learning Jquery and hope to do things better. I have found a solution, and want to see how a seasoned veteran would do it... If there is more eloquence, so to speak.
The problem is I have a widget that rests in a table row. The widget has the same classes as all the other 20 widget. When someone clicks on a particular widget, only that widget should change.
Here's the HTML:
<div class="deal-widget">
<div class="deal-widget-left">
<div class="deal-widget-left-countdown">
<span class="totalcoupons">500</span> of <span class="maxcoupons">500</span>
<div class="deal-widget-left-remain">
<div class="deal-widget-right is_open">
<a href="/deal/claim/1113" class="deal-link">Claim It!</a>
Here's my stab at the JQuery:
Drupal.behaviors.plusone = function (context) {
$('a.deal-link:not(.deal-processed)', context).click(function () {
var parent = $(this).parents('div.deal-widget');
var originalVote = parent.children('div.deal-widget-left').children('div.deal-widget-left-countdown').children('span.totalcoupons').text();
var originalVoteInt = parseInt(originalVote);
var voteSaved = function (data) {
parent.children('div.deal-widget-left').children('div.deal-widget-left-countdown').children('span.totalcoupons').html(originalVoteInt - data.total_votes);
ty开发者_JAVA技巧pe: 'POST',
url: this.href,
dataType: 'json',
success: voteSaved,
data: 'js=1'
return false;
Is there a better way of selecting parent then second set of children to a clicked-upon object than this?
I'd suggest using:
var parent = $(this).closest('div.deal-widget');
var originalVote = parent.find('span.totalcoupons').text();
searches the ancestor elements for the first element that matches the provided selector; find()
searches the descendent elements for those that match the provided selector.
While closest()
returns only one match (the closest/*first* element that matches the selector) it's important to note that find()
may return multiple elements.
Use find()? So:
var originalVote = parent.children('div.deal-widget-left').children('div.deal-widget-left-countdown').children('span.totalcoupons').text();
var originalVote = parent.find('span.totalcoupons').text();
I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for here...