I have a question about Database design. I have two tables, usertable and historytable, which are one-to-many relationship, which usertable contains
- username primary key
- passwordname
and historytable has
- username foreign key
- date
- visted url
I am not sure if there are any negative effects in terms of performance if historytable has no primary key defined , if there are , what would be the best option i开发者_开发问答n the historytable to be the primary key?
You would need to define a new column: UserHistoryId Make it identity column
The reason for this is no combination of the other columns could be unique in all cases.
e.g. If a history record is created twice in one day for a user from the same url.
Depends on how the history table is used - If you only ever SELECT data from it by means of a query on userId, or date, or Url, then the ID column would serve no purpose.
However, if you ever perform any Update/Delete operations on the table then, the Id would be useful.
Regardless of current requirements, it costs you almost nothing to include the extra column now, and it's something I would always recommend.
If you can't see an obvious primay key then just add an auto-incremending integer /identity column as your primary key - this goes for almost any table.
There may be a couple of situations where there is a better choice, but most of the time an auto-increment integer field is a good choice of primary key regardless.
In fact I would probably recommend an auto-incrementing integer / identity column as the primary key for your users table too - there are a couple of situations (e.g. deleted users) where you might want to have two rows with the same username.
you could check this one. Though this question is more generic than yours, it should give you a wider view on what should be primary keys.
My guess is the likely key of the history table would be (username, date, url). This is only a guess based on the names of the attributes however. You should determine the keys based on business analysis and your requirements.