Summary: SVG images in Safari appear as generic 'image missing' icons
开发者_如何学CSteps to Reproduce:
Go to this page:
Scroll to bottom of page
Expected Results: Ten navigation buttons (SVG images) appear as meaningful graphics
Actual Results: Ten navigation buttons (SVG images) appear as "?" icons
Occurs with these iOS browsers: Safari 4.3.3, Atomic Web 5.7.0, iCab Mobile 4.8.4, Terra 1.3, iChromy 1.1
These images load correctly with Mac OS X 10.6.7 and with IE Windows (and until recently on iOS: I have not changed anything in the code recently).
Example page:
Error console
In Mac Safari in iOS 10.6.7 shows, for all SVG images:
"Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml"
In iOS shows no errors despite images not being displayed correctly.
For Opera the files are sent as text/plain, so I guess this could be the server sniffing browsers and snding different mime types