I'm writing my first wicket app , and ran into my first road-block today . Here's the problem . I have a page which contains an AjaxSubmitLink . In it's onSubmit event , I load a panel using setResponsePage .
From the homepage of my app , I can navigate to the above mentioned page in 2 ways - either by a hyperlink or by switching a tab (use a basic ITab from wicket-extensions), both of which invokes the same constructor with identical arguments.
Now if I navigate to the page using the hyperlink , everything works fine . However , if I u开发者_C百科se the tab to navigate to the page , the AjaxSubmitLink doesnt load the panel . There's an Ajax request being made , I can see the server processing it , but it's like no callback is being executed .
Another strange thing I noticed , in the latter case , firebug doesn't log my Ajax requests on the console . It logs requests in the former case just fine .
I'm kinda stumped here , any hints,pointers or nudges ?
Edit : Code declaring the link .
editLink = new AjaxSubmitLink("editLink") {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> masterForm) {
setResponsePage(new EditPage(programId));
Edit : I inspected the requests made with fiddler , the unsuccessful Ajax calls are returning a 302 , instead of 200.
I kinda found a workaround . The fiddler information lead me to search for the setResponsePage behaviour , which lead me to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1703 .
Anyway since I didnt strictly need a POST request for the link , used a GET instead to get the desired behaviour .
Interesting find using fiddler : the content-type of the request sent is multipart/form-data rather than application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the erroneous case.
I'm still kind of in the dark on the actual issue , appreciate any explanations .
should get a .class file or a instantiated class instead. like
NextPage np = new NextPage(int a,int b);