I know how to create TTButton:
TTButton *epriceButton = [TTButton buttonWithStyle:@"ep开发者_运维百科riceButton:"];
And I have a method:
- (TTStyle *)epriceButton:(UIControlState)state {
TTShape* shape;
shape = [TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:4.5];
UIColor* tintColor = RGBCOLOR(8, 101, 191);
return [TTSTYLESHEET toolbarButtonForState:state shape:shape tintColor:tintColor font:nil];
That works nice. Last one thing I want from that button is to have its title left aligned. I'm new to three20 library, so I think I don't understand how styles work. I found that each TTStyle has next: method. But how multiple styles work together?
The text alignment for the button is defined inside -(TTStyle*)toolbarButtonForState: shape: tintColor: font:
. So you will need to create your own version of this method.
If you look into the original you'll find a TTTextStyle as the last style being added. TTTextStyle let's you set the textAlignment with the convenient initializer
+ (TTTextStyle*)styleWithFont:(UIFont*)font color:(UIColor*)color
shadowColor:(UIColor*)shadowColor shadowOffset:(CGSize)shadowOffset
lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode numberOfLines:(NSInteger)numberOfLines
So your implementation might look like:
- (TTStyle*)myButtonForState:(UIControlState)state shape:(TTShape*)shape
tintColor:(UIColor*)tintColor font:(UIFont*)font {
UIColor* stateTintColor = [self toolbarButtonColorWithTintColor:tintColor forState:state];
UIColor* stateTextColor = [self toolbarButtonTextColorForState:state];
[TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:shape next:
[TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(2, 0, 1, 0) next:
[TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(255,255,255,0.18) blur:0 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 1) next:
[TTReflectiveFillStyle styleWithColor:stateTintColor next:
[TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:[stateTintColor multiplyHue:1 saturation:0.9 value:0.7]
shadow:[stateTintColor multiplyHue:1 saturation:0.5 value:0.6]
width:1 lightSource:270 next:
[TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -1, 0, -1) next:
[TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:nil shadow:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.15)
width:1 lightSource:270 next:
[TTBoxStyle styleWithPadding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(8, 8, 8, 8) next:
[TTImageStyle styleWithImageURL:nil defaultImage:nil
contentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleToFill size:CGSizeZero next:
[TTTextStyle styleWithFont:font color:stateTextColor
shadowColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0.4] shadowOffset:CGSizeMake(0, -1)
lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap numberOfLines:1