i have been trying to display html content along with image (using src attribute), but have not been able to show the image.Rest of html works.I wonder what value should i give in to the src.My image location is : SDCard/someFolder/1.png .Iam targetting OS 5.0. please note i have to use the image from sdcard only
URI uri = URI.create("/SDCard/someFolder/1.png");
//replaced < by $ and > by & as this site dint let my use it :(
String htmlContent = "$!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"&" +
"$HTML&" +
"$BODY &" +
"$form&" +
"$div &$/div&" +
" $input type=\"text\" &" +
"$img src=" + uri + " alt=\"some_text\"/& " +
"$input type=\"submit\"&" +
"$/form&" +
"$b&Use the menu to change the search engine to use.$/b&" +
"$br&" 开发者_运维百科+
"$/BODY&" +
BrowserField myBrowserField = new BrowserField();
myBrowserField.displayContent(htmlContent, "http://localhost");
//add myBrowserField to screen;
Have you tried file:///SDCard/someFolder/1.png ?
got it working, Blackberry is so misleading, a simple path works instead of URI.i.e. "$img src= file:///SDCard/someFolder/1.png". this misleaded me: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/developers/deliverables/6176/HTML_ref_img_564118_11.jsp telling src expects URI.
Does the blackberry web browser have access to the file system on the phone? If not, I don't think there's much you can do. (All I can say is BB OS5's browser has more than a few bugs).