I am having a small problem with mysql. I have a set of date range. Ex: starting from 01-01-2011 to 01-06-2011 and the price for this range is ex: $ 4500 per day. The next date range start from 01-07-2001 to 01-12-2011 and the price for this range is ex: $ 300 per day
If someone registered a day between ex: 05-04-2011 and 10-07-2011 I need to add the prices for number of days. In between those two date ranges, the prices are differen开发者_如何转开发t. How can I add them separately
This is ma tbl
you can make one loop ...
and each time you increase date and then make query to know in which col this date value falls .. and accordingly you can isnert corresponding amount..
for that you need to manage date like how many days a month has .. and if year changes then you also need to set month to 1..
i have made one code .... to display calender . you can make chages accoringly
$strt_date = '01-04-2011';
$end_date = '05-07-2011';
$date_array = array();
$date_array = explode('-',$strt_date);
$back_strt_date = $date_array[2]."-".$date_array[0]."-".$date_array[1];// YYYY-MM-DD
$front_strt_date = $date_array[1]."-".$date_array[0]."-".$date_array[2];// MM-DD-YYYY
$date_array = array();
$date_array = explode('-',$end_date);
$back_bk_date = $date_array[2]."-".$date_array[0]."-".$date_array[1]; // YYYY-MM-DD
$front_end_date = $date_array[1]."-".$date_array[0]."-".$date_array[2]; // MM-DD-YYYY
// fetching data for selected date interval
//$rs_couse_cnt = get_course_cnt($back_strt_date,$back_bk_date);
if($rs_couse_cnt =='No record Found'){
echo "No Records Found.";
// converting string in to TIMESTAMP
$sdate = strtotime($front_strt_date);
$edate = strtotime($front_end_date);
//getting starting and ending month of date...
$st_dt = array();
$en_dt = array();
// exploding date string in to array
$st_dt = explode('-',$strt_date);
$en_dt = explode('-',$end_date);
// assigning month value to variables...
$st_mon = $st_dt[0];
$en_mon = $en_dt[0];
// calculating month diff..
$mon_diff = $en_mon - $st_mon;
// assinging year value to variables....
$st_year = $st_dt[2];
$en_year = $en_dt[2];
//converting TIMESTAMP into desired date format...
$st_date = date('F jS Y',$sdate);
$en_date = date('F jS Y',$edate);
echo " <center><h2>$st_date - $en_date</h2></center>";
//echo " <br />start month is $st_mon & end month is $en_mon & month diff is $mon_diff";
//echo " <br />start year is $st_year & end year is $en_year";
$ttl_cnt =0;
$end = $en_mon+1;
if($i == $end && $st_year == $en_year){
// this will continue until all months are completed
$st_mon_time_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,$st_year);
echo "<br /><br /><center> <h3> ".date("F Y",$st_mon_time_stamp)."</h3></center>";
$no_of_days = date("t",$st_mon_time_stamp);
$str_cal ='<table border="1px" width="100%">
$cnt = 1;
$week = 0;
$mon_cnt = 0;
if($cnt >= $no_of_days){
if($cnt == 1){
// for first row....
$time_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$i,$cnt,$st_year);
$str_cal .='<tr>';
if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Sunday'){
$space = 0;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Monday'){
$space = 1;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Tuesday'){
$space = 2;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Wednesday'){
$space = 3;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Thursday'){
$space = 4;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Friday'){
$space = 5;
else if(date("l",$time_stamp) == 'Saturday'){
$space = 6;
$dis = 7 - $space; //exit;
while($space != 0){
// this will display spaces in first row...
$str_cal .='<td> </td>';
while($dis != 0){
// this will display calender date in first row...
if(strlen($i) == 1 && strlen($cnt)==1){
$date = $st_year.'-0'.$i.'-0'.$cnt;
$date = $st_year.'-'.$i.'-'.$cnt;
$flg = 0;
if($rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'] == $date){
$time_stmp = strtotime($date);
$str_cal .='<td>'.date('j S',$time_stmp).'<br /><br />Count : <a href="light_box_course.php" onClick="$.showAkModal(\'light_box_course.php?type=list&session_id='.$session_id.'&campus_id='.$campus_id.'&strt_date='.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'].'&end_date='.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'].'\',\'\',500,500);return false;">'.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['CourseCount'].'</a></td>';
$mon_cnt += $rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['CourseCount'];
$flg = 1;
if($flg == 0){
$time_stmp = strtotime($date);
$str_cal .='<td>'.date('j S',$time_stmp).'<br /><br /> </td>';
$str_cal .='</tr>';
// for rest of the rows...
$str_cal .='<tr>';
if(strlen($i) == 1){
$date = $st_year.'-0'.$i.'-'.$cnt;
$date = $st_year.'-'.$i.'-'.$cnt;
$flg = 0;
if($rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'] == $date){
$time_stmp = strtotime($date);
$str_cal .='<td>'.date('j S',$time_stmp).'<br /><br />Count :<a href="light_box_course.php" onClick="$.showAkModal(\'light_box_course.php?type=list&session_id='.$session_id.'&campus_id='.$campus_id.'&strt_date='.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'].'&end_date='.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['EnrolledDate'].'\',\'\',500,500);return false;">'.$rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['CourseCount'].'</a></td>';
$flg = 1;
$mon_cnt += $rs_couse_cnt[$rs]['CourseCount'];
if($flg == 0){
$time_stmp = strtotime($date);
$str_cal .='<td>'.date('j S',$time_stmp).'<br /><br /> </td>';
$str_cal .='<td> </td>';
$str_cal .='</tr>';
$ttl_cnt += $mon_cnt;
if($mon_cnt != 0){
$str_cal .='<tr>
<td> Monthly Count :</td>
<td colspan="6"><a href="light_box_course.php" onClick="$.showAkModal(\'light_box_course.php?type=list&session_id='.$session_id.'&campus_id='.$campus_id.'&strt_date='.$st_year."-".(strlen($i)==1?"0".$i:$i)."-"."01".'&end_date='.$st_year."-".(strlen($i)==1?"0".$i:$i)."-".$no_of_days.'\',\'\',500,500);return false;">'.$mon_cnt.'</td>
$str_cal .='<tr>
<td> Monthly Count :</td>
<td colspan="6">'.$mon_cnt.'</td>
$str_cal .='</tbody>
if($i == 12){
$st_year ++;
echo $str_cal;