I have two tables wnews and categories.
I wanna print the names of categories by id
something like wnews.category (is an integer) and categories (id, name) where wnews.category = cateroies.id and print name
I made something but I failde ...
$query = mysql_query("SELECT wnews.id, wnews.torrentid, wnews.title,
wnews.img, wnews.added, wnews.category,
wnews.genre, wnews.uploader, wnews.description,
categories.id, categories.name
FROM wnews
INNER JOIN categories
ON wnews.category=categories.id
ORDER BY wnews.added DESC")
or sqlerr();
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
{ printNews($arr["wnews.torrentid"],开发者_JAVA技巧 $arr["wnews.title"],
$arr["wnews.img"], $arr["wnews.added"],
$arr["categories.name"], $arr["wnews.genre"],
$arr["wnews.uploader"], $arr["wnews.description"]);
Thanks for your time.
$query = mysql_query("SELECT wnews.id, wnews.torrentid, wnews.title, wnews.img, wnews.added,
wnews.category, wnews.genre, wnews.uploader, wnews.description, categories.id, categories.name AS cat_name FROM wnews
LEFT JOIN categories ON wnews.category = categories.id
ORDER BY wnews.added DESC") or die(mysql_error());
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
printNews($arr["torrentid"], $arr["title"], $arr["img"], $arr["added"], $arr["cat_name"], $arr["genre"], $arr["uploader"], $arr["description"]);
I like using the MySQL Query Browser when creating complex sql statements (with inner joins and such).
You should be able to download it here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/